• When was a sovereignty of the Third Reich in question? Hitler and the NSDAP took power under legal means and then transformed into a dictatorship. They would have been recognized when they came to power.

      • There are many, many, propaganda pieces that prove otherwise, starting with the co-opting of the Iron Cross, not to mention all the early Nazi propaganda pamphlets, regardless of what the weirdo fringe of the Thule society wanted once they were in power.

        That said, it’s not like the meme is saying it wouldn’t be the same shit in an alternate timeline where Martel lost at Tours, or whatever, just a reminder that most “Christians” view it solely as a tribal identity and not a moral philosophy.

  • I was about to question this picture, because, depending on the time it was taken, it might as well been very likely, that these children were raised as nazis in nazi Germany and not have been Christians at any point in their life. . Well the reverse image search told me it’s from a nazis rally in 1930… Wow. I’d still say, that this is not a good atheist meme. It’d go down better with their parents, waving flags at the same rally.

  •  Spzi   ( @Spzi@lemm.ee ) 
    79 months ago

    Equating Christianity with Nazism is bad taste and shows a warped picture of history.

    I guess this is an attempt to counter slurs by Christians saying Hitler was an atheist or whatever.

    Still, this meme not only lowers you to the level of these Christians, but also to the level of Nazi propaganda.

      •  Spzi   ( @Spzi@lemm.ee ) 
        49 months ago

        If Nazism grew in a Christian monoculture, where did all the Jews come from?

        For the sake of debate, please refrain from personal attacks. We don’t have to agree, but can we do so in a civil manner?

        I get your point: Assuming Nazi Germany was nothing but Christian, the picture would be correct.

        But that was not the case. Some were even atheists! And some Christians were some of the fiercest resistance fighters.

        I also think it’s dishonest to reduce the picture to just that. It’s also an example of connecting your political enemy to some monstrosity in an undifferentiated way, just like the Nazis did.

  • I come from a region of germany with a lot of nazis and you can put almost anyone in that region into 4 categories:

    • Nazis, right wing, …
    • LGBTQ, left wing, …
    • Christians
    • People who dont care

    With Christians I mean not every christian, but people who really live that out 100%.
    Depending on the region this can have different consequences.
    In my region the church helped refugees and at least cares a little bit about the environment.

    While this isn’t the case everywhere and so on, the Christians are a group seperate to the nazis in my region.
    And since there are way too many nazis in my region, I will not make myself the Christians as enemys. “Not Nazi” has to be enough in these circumstances.

    •  Communist   ( @communist@beehaw.org ) 
      9 months ago

      Mao’s failures were issues of idiocy and incompetence, not wanting to exterminate groups of people he didn’t like based on their race. If mao was more competent he wouldn’t have been as fucking awful (though still quite bad). If Hitler was more competent we’d have even more victims of the Holocaust.

      These aren’t comparable.

  • So for the people here who don’t know what this is about: Super conservative Christians like to claim that without God, there can be no morals because God told us what’s right or wrong. They deny the intrinsic morals we humans have. This image turns that BS argument on it’s head.

    • No it doesn’t. All this image is implying is that Christians can be immoral. It says absolutely nothing about the idea that an objective morality needs an external source. This is claimed (incorrectly I would argue) by many atheist philosophers as well, so it’s not just “Super conservative Christians” that say it.

      If the image was intended to do what you said then it utterly failed.