Various nuggets of interest in this survey of Gen Z and millennials

  • Johnny Harris did a “both sides” dive into Joe a month ago and I unsubbed after watching that garbage. He just kinda breezes over shit and ends up being like “he just intellectually curious.” Fuck right off with that shit. I remember years ago when that jungle spice smoking thumb of a man had Andy Ngo on and a friend of mine was trying to defend him asking if its “ok for people to attack a journalist.” The friend didn’t really know the context outside of the vague framework they supplied, but we argued for like 20 minutes. Even after I showed him who Ngo really was and what he was all about, it seemed impossible to break the perception he’d been given that Ngo was a victim.

    Rogan is a misinformation gateway that primes people for the bigger scam down the line, whilst washing it’s hands of any responsibility. He disarms people with a “curious” persona and the majority of his content just being empty mental calories to be consumed. It’s like a viral carrier that dulls peoples mental immunity against right wing propaganda by surrounding it in a 100 layers of DMT vision stories. Personally feel like it makes him one of the bigger dangers for people getting put into the pilled pipeline.

    • Rogan is a misinformation gateway that primes people for the bigger scam down the line, whilst washing it’s hands of any responsibility.

      It’s a psychological phenomenon called “the Joe Rogan Experience”. Seriously, as an avid former listener, it’s basically that. We can debate whether or not be doesn’t it maliciously or not but this is actually what’s happening.

    •  pingveno   ( ) 
      9 months ago

      I live in Portland so I’ve had the “privilege” of seeing who Andy Ngo really is closer hand than most. He’s nothing but a right wing propagandist, but he tries to cast himself as a journalist. The only similarity between him and an actual journalist is that he writes things.

      • Someone earlier was still trying to push the “cement milkshakes” thing that never happened. It was scary when the media did pick him up while he was useful to them for a minute.

    • Before listening to Joe Rogan, my dad was a Reagan-era fiscal conservative, and now he regularly talks about how the WEF is a conspiratorial group trying to bring about the “great reset”, how COVID was both a hoax and also a bioweapon meant to disrupt western capitalism, and how BLM is a terrorist Marxist group who supports abortion as a means to destroy the nuclear family. I largely credit Rogan (and other ‘apolitical’ gateway pundits like him) for my father, and millions of other men, taking a hard turn right into reactionary politics.

      He is not a harmless ‘dumb ape’

      • That sucks. I wonder how many years of time we’ve all lost with our parents because these con-men. I listen to “Knowledge Fight” and Alex Jones has been crowing for months now how he’s finally locked Joe in and got him to commit to the plan. The pride in his voice as he preens about duping Rogan makes me fell physically ill. Highly recommend “Knowledge fight” if you haven’t checked it out!

    • I remember when I was that age, and I was the same way. I think it might be a part of toxic masculinity. People look up to men who are quick and decisive, not ones who sit and ponder. Any indecision is seen as a weakness.

  • This has to be the most normie-ass sampling method of all time.

    Ads on Facebook and Instagram???.. Only 1,000 people?.. More than 3% Sampling Error?

    No wonder they got all of these fucking stupid results that every tabloid posted all over the internet without even waiting for ChangeReasearch to post the results on their site.

    Maybe the commie dudes just fucked right off of Meta platforms and the only remaining dudes are sad and lonely incels who just want to look at the women who never left. (Assuming cishet here, no hate)

  •  arc   ( ) 
    359 months ago

    Even as a man it’s a red flag - “me no think so good, big thoughts hurt brain, bald man make hurt go away with soothing words”

  • Also of note 76% of women consider being a MAGA republican a red flag and somehow one percent actually considers the person reading a red flag. Also being conservative is about as unpopular as being a communist.

  • joe rogan is a moron who perpetuates whatever simple simon viewpoint strikes him at any moment. I remember when he was stoked about a red wave that never came. People don’t like douche bags, it’s a turn off. If you are influenced by douche bags women could find that unattractive.

    The only people I know who like joe rogan think elon musk is a messiah (while hating electric cars), love rap music (while hating black people) and think their belly button smells good.

  •  pH3ra   ( ) 
    9 months ago

    Yes but also, by the same article, 55% of women considers a red flag if you “identify as a communist” and only 27% considers a turnoff “owning a gun”