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If this happens, will it be a mass exodus to Linux/Mac? Or will people just live with it? The fact that the Steam Deck has shown great promise in playing games on Linux has made me reconsider Windows yet again.

  • “Oh no, my wifi is down. Guess I can’t boot up my freaking computer any more”. I’m so fed up with Microsoft and the steaming pile of crap that it calls Windows… the only reason my main PC uses it is because I’m too lazy to switch it to Ubuntu. All of my other newer machines run Ubuntu.

  • That sounds like a very dumb move for the consumer market. Who would be the target audience for this? Gamers would hate that because of increased input lack. My mom wouldn’t understand that she her PC wouldn’t work without internet.

    The only client for something like this would be enterprises so that they can buy cheap thin clients and have more control over compliance things.

  • Bis 2031 wird die LTSC Version von win 10 noch mit Sicherheitsupdates versorgt, solange werden ich wohl noch Windows nutzen. Danach ist Linux hoffentlich auf fast dem gleichen Level an Comfort.

  • Aus Sicht eines Mitarbeiters eines kleinen Betriebes: das wird bedeuten, dass Millionen von Unternehmenspcs Win10 laufen lassen bis zum St.Nimmerleinstag. Mac ist nur in Spezialfällen möglich (“Kreativbranche”), Linux ist vielleicht bei reiner Textverarbeitung vom Umstieg her vermittelbar, aber ich hab zig Programme drauf, die nur für Windows zur Verfügung gestellt werden und für die entsprechend auch nur Windows-Support angeboten wird.

  •  rhabarba   ( ) 
    21 year ago

    will it be a mass exodus to Linux/Mac?

    Linux: Unlikely. Although Red Hat has recently been lobbying very emphatically, Linux for enterprise applications is still a wonder bag. Windows is reasonably stable as far as essential system functions are concerned, Linux, on the other hand, is a patchwork and this is noticeable even in RHEL and SLES.

    macOS could well be an option. Apple tries to strictly follow the principle that user privacy plays an essential role (they converted me from Android to iOS with this), but I assume that macOS will also move “into the cloud” in the medium term (Service note: “The cloud” is just other people’s computers.) as soon as Apple will have created a way to learn from the mistakes of others after years of watching the market. They always do.

    • Why would Apple do that? One of their biggest pros is that they have powerful machines, that are capable of more than an off the shelf PC Laptop. They even produce their own chips now. Why would anybody pay 4000+ $ for something that is essentially a thin client that just connects a display and some peripherals to a cloud?

      In addition it would be very hard to convince their tech savvy consumers that a move to a cloud hosted OS would benefit privacy, which has become a bigger selling point over the recent years for them?

    • for enterprises there might be a simple necessity to move on then.

      Having your OS run in a Cloud where god knows who has access too and being completely at the whim of a single companies decisions, leaving alone the extreme vulnerability of such a system, is illegal for many businesses or would barr them from having access to regulated industries such as water, energy, healthcare and defense.

      My company for instance is simply not allowed to do such shenanigans. We always have to go through a lot of hoops to use a simple SaaS tool.