•  Hundun   ( @Hundun@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    Hey, imagine growing up in an environment that deliberately stunts your emotional development since early childhood, encourages you to hide your feelings or mask them with anger, ties your essential worth as a person to your utility, neglects and ghosts you as punishment for transgressions, models all relationships either as transactions or conquests, and constantly flirts with an idea to kill you in the name of some belief, policy, dogma or tradition. All that with ZERO PEER SUPPORT, and zero solidarity amongst your gender.

    Identifying with a banished Greek god of War sometimes helps me trough the day. If he can transcend a moldy curse of war-mongering masculinity to focus on those he loves, so can I. I expect no judgement.

  • Men struggle too. It was dumb to assume otherwise, but that’s what was done.

    Man up, sit down Chin up, pipe down Socks up, don’t cry Drink up, don’t whine “Grow some balls,” he said “Grow some balls”

    The mask of masculinity Is a mask A mask that’s wearing me

    – “Samaritans” by IDLES

  • Watched a few of these to see how AI has gone. It’s decent when you just need to monotone some dialog, which is what these are, but they still have uncanny valley issues. The actual advice is basic 101 stuff.

    What I will say is, afaik there are absolutely zero male role models that aren’t grifting for money and/or setting some kind of political agenda. So I guess all that’s left is fictional characters. As far as Father’s go, most are shit, dead, or “out for smokes”, and the exceptions don’t know either… too busy working probably.