In the world of file sharing, BitTorrent has long been hailed as the go-to protocol for its efficient initial distribution capabilities. However, when it comes to maintaining availability and ensuring the longevity of shared files, BitTorrent falls short. There are several alternative platforms that make it much easier to share files, allowing the seeder to reorganize the files to their hearts’ content without losing the ability to keep seeding to a torrent. Fopnu, eMule, DC++, and Nicotine+ are some of the better alternatives that make sharing a breeze.
SIGSEGV ( ) English54•2 years agoWow, what a cunt.
Saik0 ( ) English19•2 years agoHowever, when it comes to maintaining availability and ensuring the longevity of shared files, BitTorrent falls short.
Why I Would Never Seed a Torrent
I wonder if there’s a correlation!
Saik0 ( ) English9•2 years agoYou can’t complain about a supposed problem… When you yourself are actively making a it a problem… “Sherlock”
Edit: This is akin to punching yourself and wondering why you have a black eye.
Saik0 ( ) English3•2 years agoI’m sorry, but that’s factually not what you stated. And even then… it’s irrelevant.
DHT and PEX exist. You don’t need a central torrent tracker to use the torrent protocol. Much in the same way that ed2k+kad works.
webghost0101 ( ) English17•2 years agoSo who maintains these alternatives? A centralized server?
Br0da ( ) English14•2 years agoI’m assuming you’ve never been a member of a private tracker then? They would boot you off in a heartbeat. And after this post, no one is going to want to send you an invite.
I seed 160 TB, but not over BitTorrent. I certainly don’t need access to private trackers to find what I want, and I have even less interest in contributing to them since I think they are elitist. Information shouldn’t be hidden behind an invitation. That’s no better than a subscription or paywall in my book.
mike901 ( ) English8•2 years agoI agree information shouldn’t be behind an invitation, but it does solve 3 important things:
- Keeps the law out of your hair
- Seed requirements ensure torrents stay alive
- Incentivizes strict quality control and uploading new content
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve downloaded something from a public source and it’s been crap quality, or isn’t even the thing I wanted to download. Sometimes the file is fine but it takes 3 weeks to download because it has one seeder with a 10kbps upload rate. That’s a big “if” on if I can find it at all if it’s something more obscure.
Until someone solves those 3 issues in another way, I don’t see a better solution.
supervent ( ) English1•2 years agoout of curiosity, which network do you use to seed?
narc0tic_bird ( ) English13•2 years agoPrivate trackers usually have very healthy torrents :)
jo1gi ( ) English10•2 years agoYou can just use hardlinks
xoggy ( ) English7•2 years agoWhile I find it annoying that I can’t rename files and think that could have easily been avoided in the original bittorrent design, it’s not too inconvenient to just copy the files and leave the originals in a “seed” folder.
Sosage ( ) English7•2 years agoYou can rename through the client but it would be nice if the clients could also use a hash, then when it detects a file is missing it could just scan the dir for a matching file automatically.
I seed 160 TB. What you are suggesting is only feasible if you share a small number of files.
TornadoValley ( ) English6•2 years agoWhat’s the best current eMule client? Can cosign dc++ and Soulseek/nicotine those are my main sources these days rarely torrent
supervent ( ) English2•2 years agoI use mldonkey 3.1.7 for ed2k/kad and bittorrent, in the past I have used dc++ for a short time, but I prefer the idea of ed2k/kad.
Nomecks ( ) 3•2 years agoYou know that Bittorrent was invented to replace these, right?
TornadoValley ( ) 1•2 years agoSoulseek eMule and I think dc++ are younger than the BitTorrent protocol although not by much
Retainer8510 ( ) English1•2 years agoeMule, those were the days where I downloaded movies for over a week lol 2x 700mb CDs was the format that was usually provided… good times!