• The alternative to MAID is to die slowly and painfully.
    Without MAID, the same people just die slowly and painfully.

    Getting rid of MAID isn’t a solution, it just makes you feel good without actually doing good. The solution is to spend billions of dollars to let people live dignified lives where they won’t use MAID as an alternative to our system’s failures.

  •  grte   ( @grte@lemmy.ca ) 
    1 year ago

    Gaps in healthcare and increasing wealth inequality is facilitating people considering MAID for financial reasons it sounds like. These articles are usually pretty low info on how many people are getting approved for poverty reasons. But ending MAID isn’t going to fix these financial issues so putting the target on MAID and not the primary issues just seems like an underhanded way of attacking the program.

  •  Skyline969   ( @Skyline969@lemmy.ca ) 
    1 year ago

    Instead of deep throating a shotgun people are getting an injection and going to sleep and never waking up. Get rid of MAID and there will just be more suicides by other means.

    MAID isn’t the problem. People being trapped in our shit economy with no way out is the problem.

  • Yup. Have family who work in BC’s medical field and this is becoming increasingly common. Can’t afford treatment? No? Have you considered dying instead? MAID is not the problem, though; not entirely at least. Our medical infrastructure and the offices that govern it are rotten to the core. We have amazing medical staff doing their absolute best while trying to work within a system that is being actively sabotaged from above.

    • My dad worked ambulance a fire for a number of years. He’d seen some regrettable things, and done regrettable things because patients didn’t have a DNR.

      He has a DNR and he will be prepping a MAID service when his particular situation slopes further downward.

  •  jerkface   ( @jerkface@lemmy.ca ) 
    1 year ago

    When the only innovative new service being offered to the disabled living far far below the poverty line with little dignity or autonomy is fucking DEATH, it sends a strong message.

    POV: I live on ODSP (13k) without any federal assistance and struggle with disabilities that the government does not treat and cost more than I get in three years to attempt treatment privately. Meanwhile prisoners cost the system an order of magnitude more than I do. So I guess it’s me or them, is what I’m supposed to take from all this.