I’ve hit a point where all the weapons I have have too low damage. I need to find better base parts. Decayed royal weapons are no longer as good as they used to.

Where can I get a good base weapon that is not the biggoron sword?

For the record, I know royal guard has good damage but I need something that lasts more than 3 hits

  • If you haven’t travelled to Gerudo Valley yet it is worth popping over there.

    The gerudo weapons, though they don’t have a huge base, have a multiplier to whatever they are fused to do you can get large overall damage with minimal fusion, and without the duration limitation of the Royal weapons.

      • There is no danger on the surface of Death Mountain in TOTK. You only need protection in caves and in the depths around the mountain. There are tons of Rock Octoroks around in the clear that are easy to hit for upgrades every blood moon.

        There are two very close to


        Momosik Shrine on the East side of Death Mountain

  • tbh I’ve found the opposite approach to be a lot more successful- the base weapon doesn’t matter as much as the monster parts I use. Once you start getting a couple of silver bokoblin horns to fuse with, the weapons system “experience”, so to speak, improved a ton. The higher-level monsters become a bit easier to tackle, so it becomes a positive feedback loop after that for better monster parts.

  •  Notyou   ( @Notyou@sopuli.xyz ) 
    2 years ago

    Pristine weapons in the depths. If you don’t like the bonus roll then just drop it and come back next blood moon to see if the weapon/roll is better. If the weapon is good, but not the roll then you can take it to a Rock Ocktorok to suck up and reroll a bonus roll. They also repair weapons. Make sure you pick up the pristine weapons and drop them or else they won’t change in the depths.

    Gerudo weapons give bonus fuses.

    I heard forrest dweller weapons are good to fuse plant stuff like puffshrooms, fire fruit, muddlebud. It’s supposed to make you hot multiple times on the weapon without coming off.

    If you have a construct weapon make sure you fuse it with a construct part. Those rollers after you kill the big block mini bosses work well. There are bonuses in this game that is eluded to in some item descriptions.

      • I did the first regional phenomenon, and then started exploring depths. I found an armored lynel, and teied him with my shit weapons. after dying 20 times i realised Sword plus spiked metal ball does well against armored enemies…

        Havent found anything with base dmg unfused more than 20…

        • Base points aren’t what matter. From an endgame player, I use zora weapons (~12 dmg base I think) and fuse them with silver lynel horns, which are worth 55 and carry the weapons.

          The most important part of using weapons is knowing their modifiers. With Zora weapons (Water Warrior), the weapon doubles in damage if link is near water or wet (throwing chuchu or other stuff works for that), bringing damage up to the 120s or so.

          In conclusion, the totk system is not about strong damage base items, but instead making use of the item’s properties and fusing strong items to your weapons. It may be easier for you to always be at 1 heart for knights weapons, for example, or maybe you dodge a lot and therefore prefer royal weapons. And if all else fails, don’t forget your damage boosting armors too.

  • I was using undecayed royal guard gear for awhile. A real pain to find but if you have the time they are down there somewhere. And they often don’t move too far from wherever you find them. I could never actually find a royal guard claymore but the broadsword is usually under the Gerudo highlands. I occasionally found the the spear on the outskirts of the area under death mountain

    I found a more consistent option was the undecayed Gerudo claymore. Pretty easy to find one or 2 near Mines under the city.

  • I think options better than royal weapons are pretty limited. You can find undecayed knight weapons in some areas of the depths which are decent. But it’s mostly about what you fuse to them. Mighty zonaite weapons can also be OK if you fuse powerful zonaite things to them, like the flux core 3 or captain IV horn.

    You can also try to get tricky with special effects, like using the zora weapons and splash fruit, or getting armor with bone proficiency and fusing a bone.

    That said I haven’t finished the game yet so there may be more I haven’t discovered yet!