And then you develop depression (and other FUN stuff) and it gets worse


Edit: fixed title to align with 196 customs

    • The one singular treatment that doesn’t worsen other already unmanageable symptoms or cause measurable brain damage is only available in Asutralia gang 🙃

      Guess I’ll just go fuck myself

        • You’re talking about transcranial magnetic stimulation?
          You know, that hadn’t been on my radar? I appreciate you bringing that up and forcing me to have a better understanding of it. Looking further into it, there doesn’t seem to be enough literature at the moment to be certain and it’s not currently FDA approved for my specific case. Severe depression, yes. Psychosis is a relative contraindication as of last year – i.e., “exercise caution, but go ahead with it if the benefit outweighs the risk.”

          Which would be the question, for me. I’m not certain, in my case, whether I would be labeled as so bad off that I outweigh all risk of making it worse. Could see it happening because god does hate me and maybe I just don’t realize how bad it is, but I think I’d likely just go back to being prescribed varying medications forever until we all grow old and die.

          The position I’m currently in is, each successive psychotic break a person has causes a tiny little percentage of brain damage. So do antipsychotics if you keep taking them. That knowledge makes it feel like a question of the rate at which I desire my brain to rot rather than an If, and I don’t think I really can be more sedated than I am and remain this barely functional.

          So I’ve really been holding out for the US to take notice of Australia’s recent approval of psilocybin, which doesn’t seem to have anywhere approaching the negative effects while still acting as a successful medication. I got all excited over it and everything.

          You know, I think I would try TMS if it were offered to me, yeah. What’s the worst thing that’s going to happen, I’ll turn into myself?

    • Yep! Anti-depressants are actually very good at helping a person slow down their thinking for use in therapy. Some sort of therapy whether its CBT or mindfulness or childhood trauma exploration or finding coping mechanisms for daily life, or something else, that’s often key to the solution.

      • Would be. Or i could just argue that the prevalent notion of health is too focused on physiological issues, and that in the recent efforts to recognize depression as a valid illness, there is a tendency to reframe it as a neurological disease, rather than validating mental issues as such. As far as I’m informed the neurological processes involved in depression and the effect of psychotropic drugs are not well understood, so there isn’t even a basis there to determine what causes what.

  • Story. Of. My. Life.

    In an inpatient program at 27, diagnosed with anaclitic depression. If they know what it is, I thought, they can treat it!

    Hahaha hahaha HAHAHAHAHA! no.

    At best, basket cases like me can manage our symptoms. We can develop habits to make them less common, and get ourselves safe and go into self-care mode when they’re triggered. Or when the abyss beckons.

    On the other hand, all of society is crazy too. And I know some of the paths in the labyrinth.

  • Please kill me now Please kill me now Please kill me now Please kill me now Please kill me now Please kill me now

    I’ll be starting a new treatment soon (on waiting list), it will be the seventh treatment plan I will be starting and have been getting treatment for over a decade. First suicide attempt in 2009 (man I wish it would have worked).

    I should start the new treatment with hope and optimism, but at this point I feel I tried almost everything and I don’t think it’s ever getting better.

    But hey, maybe I’ll get an aneurysm and die peacefully when I sleep tonight, wouldn’t that be a blessing.

  • Gifted people can show adhd like symptoms, meds don’t work and the only treatment is to change your surroundings.

    General shortlist to wellbeing of humans:

    Basic needs: Eat, drink, sleep.

    Secondary needs: Sunlight, movement, social contacts.

    Beyond that: Recognition, intimacy, connection…

    If the first two layers go wrong, you already feel like shit because of that. Its additive, the more you can’t fullfill, the worse you feel, and whatever other troubles you may have, add on top.

  •  Segnis   ( ) 
    19 months ago

    I had a really hard time finding something that worked for my depression.

    I discovered SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) though the nootropic community on reddit and it’s worked far better than anything else I’ve tried. It has a lot of other medications it might interact negatively with though.