•  Martineski   ( @Martineski@lemmy.dbzer0.com ) OP
          9 months ago

          I think ADHD is a horrible name for it.

          Rather that saying that as an opinion say that as if it was an objective truth because it is one. It is truly a terrible name for the disorder because it’s named after how we inconvenience neurotypicals and not after our struggles. It should either describe our struggles properly or have a serious sounding neutral name where people won’t be assuming things about the disorder.

          • i mean at least the attention deficit part is accurate, i have to make sure to place objects where i can’t avoid looking at them because otherwise i will completely and utterly forget the moment something else takes my attention.

            I tend to refill my water bottle at the same time as going to the toilet, so if i just place the bottle on the kitchen counter i WILL without fail forget all about its existence, the only solution to this is placing the bottle in front of my door so i almost walk into it before remembering that it exists.

            Other parts of ADHD have their upsides, but god damn this facet of it drives me up the wall and i can’t see how it would ever be useful.

            • Thank you! You just saved me, hydration-wise.

              I finally got up the motivation to use the nice water bottle I have (I needed to wash it and so it was just sitting on my bedside table for like 2 weeks and I’ve been thirsty and just sipping from tiny cups). Had gone out to fill it up, put it on the counter, went into the bathroom and promptly forgot it existed. Read your post, laughed to myself about how I’m the same way, and then nearly went back to bed without my water bottle. Literally the only reason I remembered it at all is thanks to you.

              Hate the executive dysfunction shit. When I went of my psych I had no idea what was wrong with me and my main complaint was that I could be really thirsty and unable to make myself drink the water I wanted :(

    • Same! I was diagnosed as a kid in the mid 90s. Took meds back then that didn’t work for me, and went unmedicated for about 30 something years. I at least have a grasp on some of the “why” behind my thought processes and behaviors, but none of it makes me feel any better.

  •  frozen   ( @frozen@lemmy.frozeninferno.xyz ) 
    9 months ago

    I’m officially ADHD-PI (formerly ADD) and medicated, so I guess I don’t have this particular tendency, but my wife is diagnosed ADHD-C, unmedicated, and also struggles with identifying her emotions in the moment due to an unconventional upbringing. She does this literally any time she’s experiencing a negative emotion (embarrassment, anger, feeling hurt, etc.) and can’t identify it.

    We’ve gotten better as a team at dealing with it, but it’s always on me to recognize when it’s happening and initiate the mediation, so it’s really exhausting, sometimes.