The writers strike continues and according to this report many people on the inside don’t expect it to end before September.

  • It’s not like thousands of movies and tv shows that people already haven’t seen don’t exist. We probably have a whole century’s worth of content, no need to enrich corporate fucks any more than we already have

    • The point of the strike is that the writers are trying to get a fair share of the money they bring in for those corporate fucks, and also secure some protections for their jobs against AI. I agree that there’s a ton of old content available, but I selfishly do want to see new things come out, and less selfishly this is impacting regular people who work on these shows (technicians, set designers, caterers, plenty of people aside from the Corporate Fucks). I hope the writers get a fair deal soon.

    • It’s a problem for currently running shows that people are already invested in.

      It happened during the last writers strike when I was enjoying Battlestar Galactica and then we got the Chubby Lee storyline arc out of nowhere. Heroes was another show hit bad.

      But yeah, the old media is still there although this will have lasting impacts into the future for current shows. I don’t feel it’s productive to be that dismissive towards the effects of this strike.

        • Writer’s strike back then happened. Now that’s a piece of media that will go unfinished for the rest of time because of it. Writer’s strikes do have consequences unlike the original commenter seemed to imply. I support them, but it still sucks for anybody who cares about shows being made currently. The execs need to pull their heads out of their asses.

  • I still have quite the backlog of shows I want to watch, so I’ll probably post back here in 5 years or so.

    A word of advice: lots of great older shows that you could watch in the meantime. Or if you want something without a screen, there’s even more great books to read.