At first it was all about presenting data in an original looking way. In the end it was about pushing political ideas in your throat using a plain bar graph. It was not about sharing something interesting you found but about taking advantage of a captive audience.

  • r/mapporn for me. Originally it was for beautiful high quality, high-resolution maps - the standard was so high that I would have been scared to post anything myself unless I found something exceptional, but eventually it became mainly low-quality (and usually inaccurate) data maps that all get mass-upvoted for some reason.

  • There’s quite a few but I’ll give my top 3:

    r/TIFU and r/AITA - The former became a repository for preteen fanfiction and the latter became a place for confirmation bias/rhetorical questions looking for validation.

    Then there’s r/UnpopularOpinion which ended up being an oxymoron unto itself. I honestly don’t understand how anyone thought that concept would work given that the literal point of a social media discussion platform, that utilizes an upvote/downvote system to determine visibility, is to push popular (highly upvoted) posts to the top/front. Very few people actually upvoted something that was unpopular and instead just upvoted the low hanging fruit popular opinion posts that were ‘controversial’ but still blatantly have a clear majority who support that side that OP took.

    • Most of AITA was fanfic too - just a deeply improbable amount of twins, pregnancies, weddings, and twin pregnancies at weddings. Once I stumbled upon a megapost that was all the ones about food, though, and it was great, because nearly no one bothers to make up a drama about lasagna.

      The one silver lining was it brought us the glory that was the “everything in this sub is fake” punchline story, if anyone else remembers that one.

    • Imo even with how the downvote/upvote in Reddit work, theoretically speaking there could be ways for r/unpopularopinion to work with some configurations. For example, automatically delete any post that gained a certain amount of upvotes. It’s understandable that upvotes should be given to unpopular but interesting opinions that actually fits the sub, but since it’s been shown that’s not how people do it that behaviour should have been used to keep the content relevant.

      • Why does anyone need a ‘men’s space’? I’m a man but I just would not be interested in that specifically. This is the Internet and there’s a space for everything specifically. Sounds like a ‘men’s space’ or a ‘women’s space’ are bound to be filled with intolerance for the other genders.

        • I don’t disagree that gendered spaces are primed to end up displaying a modicum of prejudice against the other, but I don’t agree that this must necessarily be the case.

          There are genuine issues facing men that I think we should be allowed and even encouraged to discuss, and I think it’s important that such conversations are had with other men in particular to reduce the stigma surrounding them. So in my mind the goal of such a space isn’t to discourage women from participating, but localizing the discussion so that it’s easier for men to find.

          The unfortunate truth is that too many men these days seem to think feminism is out to oppress them, which simply isn’t the case.

        • Sometimes people want to talk about their shit with people who can directly relate to it, and would prefer if people who can’t relate aren’t invited to the conversation.

          I’m a man but I just would not be interested in that specifically.

          There is a gap between “I’m not interested” and “I refuse to understand why someone else would be interested” that’s not really acknowledged here but is important to be able to engage with.

  • Controversial opinion maybe, but /r/AskReddit, when they introduced the rule that you couldn’t put a story in the question. I absolutely LOVED reading whatever wild story someone had that prompted the question, and then reading the thread only if the story was interesting. Then they didn’t want that to be the point of the sub and that ruined the magic for me. So I left.

    /r/PointlessStories filled that niche though, and it never decreased in quality.

  • r/antiwork before say 2020 and even worse after the Fox thing, a lot of trolls came in once it got big and where before it was fun discussions on anarchist antiwork theory that coined the name, with some venting and support or discussing how a different society might look like.

    Then it became the usual political battleground like many big subs, all about who to vote for in the US and a repost place for latestagecapitalism, then all the text quitting or firing screenshots and tipping battles for some reason, which I‘d also not seen before then. Oh and all the nationalist humble bragging which seemed condescending to me as EU person towards the US people and at the same time dismissive of issues in the EU too. I guess it could be summed up with: it felt more hostile to me.

      • Ok cool, I liked antiwork better, because in the beginning it wasn‘t about “lets just reform it a little bit”, that is just what it turned into cause I guess most people can‘t see anything between being forced to labor and not moving at all aka lazy shits.

        Abolition of work is an interesting text which imagines something else entirely, a world in which the absence of money and hierarchy could lead to replacing all work with a voluntary and playful version of it, where people may still choose to spend their time doing various activities mainly for the community and the results of their labor vs just getting someone or themselves more money. Similar to how most firefighting places and other charitable organisations or open source projects are already run, despite all capitalist logic saying we shouldn‘t give our labor for free.

        That‘s what it was about before it got snuffed out and turned into a harmless “lets change nothing on the hierarchy but maybe unionise to get more money and vote for little bit better” movement anyway. It‘s not like I think I can convince you or anyone anymore, so have your work reform and your politicians and fight the good fight for workers, you‘re certainly not alone with it, most everyone seems to enjoy all these conflicts to get wrapped up in just fine. I even support it to an extent, I‘m in the union too out of practicality.

        I just enjoyed having a space where I could talk about this theory and the hypothetical world I would enjoy instead and am lamenting it‘s loss, that‘s all.

          • It‘s ok, I struggle with that too, for some things people ask me when I bring this up I have an answer, for others I don‘t. I guess it‘s as if you asked a tribal hunter/gatherer person to imagine a world where all of the food is delivered to them in a store, they couldn‘t imagine it and if they try they‘d get a lot of it wrong.

            I do think as automation gets rid of more and more production labor and the majority are pushed into service labor or bullshit jobs, it becomes more important that people at the losing side of that equation try to imagine it differently though, cause I don‘t think those at the top will and otherwise… well my username says it, I feel like I‘m caught in a storm of massive proportions trying to tell it to please stop, slow down, and look at what we could all do if we changed this or that. I keep coming back to the open source though, cause it‘s what I work on sometimes in my free time and has shown me what people can accomplish even in absence of a profit motive.

            So roughly I imagine it like this: voluntary organisations replacing involuntary ones and a shared purpose to get rid of unpleasant and unnecessary work and for the results to be shared with their community. I think luxuries would be less abundant, but we could manage to make what we need and perhaps we‘d value more the things someone does make for us voluntarily.

            • Now that you bring up Automation, I definitely think that once AI and such are capable of running the world without need for human effort there will be some sort of restructure of how things work. Thanks for replying!

    • What happened to antiwork was fantastic. It was created by someone who was lazy and did not wanted to work. Then it got co-opted by people who wanted to work. Finally he was kicked as a mod for sticking to the name and spirit of his sub. He had his cosy sub and he was invaded by workers.

      How can you seriously claim to be pro-work but follow the banner of someone who claimed long ago to be antiwork? Why were they all shocked? Just read the sign, antiwork, it’s the name!! Don’t you listen to the people you chose to follow?

      watches the TV –> “Ho no, our leader is antiwork!”

      Just create your own thing.

      • I already elaborated enough on this from my own perspective, so instead I‘ll use this next laziness dig to conform to this view of me and lazily quote something random I like:

        This struggle, for a world of free association and play, has been placed under the banner of antiwork and anarchy. Personally, I’m fond of post-work, because I think it better encapsulates my desire to both oppose and propose, to move against and beyond this detour, this phase of destruction called work, but the term antiwork does what it needs to do too. There have been attempts to co-opt and defang this liberatory project, but despite the recent online drama, this struggle is older than the Internet, and it will continue unabated, because I believe the impulse to be free is one of the defining attributes of the human experience, and this system is fundamentally unfree. Once liberated from the shackles of employment, people will be free to sloth and to slack, but also to do and to act. Humans are verbing creatures. We should fight for a world where we can verb to fulfil our needs and express ourselves instead of line pockets and destroy the Earth. All power to all the people.


  • /r/mapporn is another one that has gone down the spiral, it has a lot of the same problems as /r/dataisbeautiful.

    I think the one that frustrated me the most was /r/data_irl, where about half the people in there take the sub’s name literally for some reason and think it’s for actual data in real life, and not a data version of /r/me_irl

  • Maybe /r/malefashionadvice?

    I feel like the early days were more, “I’m a normal guy trying to learn how to dress better.” I learned a lot and it improved my wardrobe/ability to dress a bit better. But it felt like it became…something else? Like it was overrun by the kind of people who would unironically buy $100 plain white t-shirts–that sort of thing.

  • r/meditation. I went there for mindfulness techniques (am atheist) and guided recommendations. This past year it started to evolve into a strange mix of gatekeeping and outright fighting. Drama and argumentative attitudes in a meditation sub…

  • I have a different perspective because I actually became active on Reddit for a particular lapidary marketplace - not r/gemstones. but I saw r/gemstones go from a sub extolling the science and beauty of gemstones to a marketplace full of shady dealers trying to disguise their hawking of badly cut stones with sketchy origins. posts that often had to be removed by the mods when the OP wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  • r/MadeMeSmile devolved into constant reposts and increasing animal abuse. The number of times I would have to report posts for unsafe shit or animal cruelty was really getting to me to me at the end there.

    It was by no means the only sub that went in that direction. As others have pointed out, all of Reddit was going down the crapper but that sub for me epitomised how shit Reddit became - repost bots, comment bots, karma farming, fake content that was dangerous or abusive… it had it all.

  • There was a point where Ama was big enough to attract some interesting people but Reddit was still small enough that it wasn’t just media circuit. Then it just became another polished, one sided, commercial, media trained nonsense

  • /nextfuckinglevel is so annoying when it gets to /all. Usually it’s some trivial activity that is executed well or someone just doing their job. Nothing “next level” about it at all.

    Also any of the large subs that get flooded with fucking TikTok videos. In the beginning everybody pointed out the shitty songs or fake laugh tracks etc, now it seems everyone just gave up and accepted it.

    • That was an interesting downfall to witness that taught me a lot about how Reddit really operates. I’m the beginning, it was actually a quality alternative to the generic front page repost subs like /damnthatsinteresting.

      Then the instant it hit 1 million subscribers, the whole mod team changed, people like Turtle suddenly appeared in the name of “helping out with a sub that grew too fast for existing mods,” and within a few days it was just another trash repost sun.

  • Youtubehaiku made me laugh and cry almost every post. Then it went big and tiktok, vine took that nieche spot so it went downhill. Still thoes apps doesnt do it as good as that sub did. Youtubehaiku is still one of the most subbed inactive subs. It nailed my mixed sense of humor and weirdness, loved it.

    • nobody can respect that others are allowed to have different opinions.

      It’s the paradox of tolerance social contract. I will respect their right to an opinion as long as they uphold that contract. Unfortunately, many don’t.

        1. Stop misusing the ‘parodox of tolerance’ if you haven’t actually studied it. It doesn’t mean what 99% of people on reddit/lemmy think it means.

        2. I’ve seen more people shut down anyone who disagrees with them (both here and on rddit) than I have people ‘not uphold the social contract’. Yes, there are trolls, but there are way more people who say ‘shut up nazi!’ at the first sign of even a slightly different opinion.

          1. It’s a Wikipedia link away, it doesn’t require a PhD to read and understand. Why are you assuming I need to study it to know what it is?

          2. Would you like to state your views? Because it certainly sounds like you have some that are pent up inside.

  • r/conspiracy, it always had it fair share of nutjobs but it also had some awesome posts every once in a while in which someone would take a theory and break it down in points with good sources. The comments been even better, the top comment almost always was. Point 3, 4 and 7 have been disproven here, here and here, but 5 and 6 are solid further info here.

    Over the years those high quality posts became less frequent and after the ban of td it fully turned into a right wing misinformation campaign with topics like the paradise papers completely ignored.