Seem a lot of you think it’s nice that the Baldurs Gate dev took inspiration from a jrpg. Did the dev choose the correct game with Final Fantasy VII? What are your favorite chracters, character you really like or maybe an well written enemy that you hate?

  •  Tamlyn   ( ) OP
    31 year ago

    I’m really bias here, but Final Fantasy X is my childhood and Yuna is for me such a well written character. Not everyone would have the gut to every start such a jouney and even less would be able to handle everything seymore does to her. Yes i think Seymore is an perfect antagonist, you just have to hate him. Tidus is fine as well, but i didn’t metion him because i have other male mc’s that i like more.

    And Dana from Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana is one of my favorite chars as well. She just overcomes thing not everyone would be possible… hard not to spoiler and say something.

  • I’ve played a lot, it’s hard to pick one, but of late, Garl from Sea of Stars is a very strong contender for that title. He’s the physical embodiment of “happy to be here,” holds no grudges, and always has something nice to say. He’s a precious puppy and I’ll be very sad if something happens to him.

  •  Ashtear   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    I’ve had a lot of favorites over the years, but right now my favorite is Rixia Mao from the Trails games. There’s a lot there that’s easy for me to connect with, especially the idea of going to a foreign city for a job, not planning on staying, but falling in love with the city and its people unexpectedly. Her story is also a beautiful, subtle portrayal of depression. Plus she’s gorgeous and fun in combat. She’s not a leading character, but I’m really rooting for her in the continuing series all the same.

    My favorite villain in the genre is Luca Blight from Suikoden II. It goes to show that you don’t need a complex, layered backstory to write a good antagonist. Sometimes portraying the enemy as a twisted, unstoppable force of nature is enough, and the game does that well in both his scenes and his gameplay.