• I wish they’d branch out more with their merch and collaborate with companies like Lego instead of some cheap knockoff Lego company for example.

    It seems like Star Trek has always had weak merch that kept it relegated to ‘nerd’ status while properties like Star Wars have super popular merch even with ‘normies.’ I have a whole wall dedicated to my nerdy hobbies yet only one or two Star Trek items (even thought it’s definitely my favorite property) because it’s just not very appealing merch. I’m unfortunately not going to buy a Build-a-Bear as a nearly 40 year old man. They keychain is cool but how lucrative is selling keychains? Who do they expect to buy this stuff?

  • Dropping a line to say that the Star Trek: Lower Decks — USS Cerritos Crew Handbook is finally available for preorder in Canada via Amazon.ca.

    Previously Titanbooks webpage had sent all North American purchasers to order from the US Amazon site.

    I had tried earlier through a local independent comic store with no success. It’s not clear that Titanbooks is set up distribution with independents, or at least not to those across borders.