• If I hear one more lib call this genocide “nuanced” I’m going to fucking lose my mind.

        Israel has already said that hospitals are Hamas hotspot targets and should be evacuated. Israel had previously hit this hospital with one of those roof knock bombs the previous day. Israel took credit for this before denying it.

        But no, because there isn’t a video of an Israeli hitting a big red button they can use the “fog of war” to spread FUD to libs in the West so they can pretend to be concerned and look busy.

        • It’s a nuanced article talking about the fog of war around disinformation online.

          The Israeli genocide is obvious to international eyes that doesn’t make the fog of war less real or the article less of a nuanced description of the online disinformation campaigns.

          The fact that you assumed I was pro Israel is your problem, not mine.

          I firmly believe that there’s a ton of information warfare going on and that it’s hard to nail down specifics: that doesn’t change the fact that I also firmly believe Israel is committing atrocities on a grand scale and murdering Innocents by the thousands every day.

          It’s ok to say you don’t know what the fuck Is going on and to still be against it.

          Because you don’t know what is going on, and the article does a great job showing how quickly the lies spread.

          You running a black and white good and evil division of the global view on the conflict is reductive and a weird take for an article that is an excellent piece of journalism.

          • Pick a side or render yourself irrelevant.

            This isn’t about literary critique or the merits of the article or quality of the journalism, this is a fundamentally political issue that you keep hiding behind nuance to avoid taking a stance.

            • Funny I thought my comment pretty clearly “picked a side”.

              My comment is explicitly “Israel is committing genocide”. I didn’t write the implicit “and needs to stop or be stopped” cause I assumed we were working off the same base moral code: “genocide bad.”

              But you had decided I was your enemy so you can’t actually read my comment.

              It’s always lemmy.ml users who struggle with reading comprehension for some reason.

              • Yet you won’t pick a side on this particular issue.

                I trust the people struggling on the ground against occupation. If their testimony is proven wrong I’ll accept it, but by default they have my support.

                Meanwhile you float in your sea of nuance because you fundamentally do not trust Palestinians.

  •  zark   ( @zark@beehaw.org ) 
    9 months ago

    I’m disappointed in my media. Video and technology experts, military experts, journalists etc. conclude that based on the evidence as of now, the explosion at the hospital was caused by a rocket launched from within Gaza that misfired and fell down in the placa / parking lot near the hospital, causing horrible death and damage to the people gathered there.

    Meanwhile, most of the western media I have seen blasted loudly yesterday about an Israeli bomb attack on the hospital without any other source than Hamas, while at best they have changed it today to “Both sides blames the other” in a notice or update no longer visible on the top part front page.

    Personally I don’t know who to blame yet, just that the result was horrible. However, I’m extremely disappointed by how one sided views were blasted yesterday uncritically while more informed views are deprioritized today.

      • No idea what sources you are exposed to, but a misfired rocket seems to be exactly what can cause this sort of damage and hurt. It it was an actual missile attack / bomb, there would be completely different marks: a crater, demolished building walls etc.

        Instead, building surfaces are intact. Even roof tiles are intact. No crater. What’s shown, is a lot of heat and burning - from all the left over fuel from a rocket / missile that misfired and landed exploded near the hospital with all the payload and most fuel intact.

        I know way too little to source a coherent image together for you, alas.