Wefwef is an app that is basically a carbon copy of Apollo for Lemmy. You can check it out at this link below, it’s kind of like the gate room computer vs a DHD. Just something a little more familiar.


  • I can’t begin to tell you how excited and overwhelmed I am with all the dev going into recreating the Apollo app (and general Reddit) experience.

    At first glance, wefwef is dope! And it’s web-based? Wild. A bit curious about privacy because of that but I love that it’s lightweight.

    I use Memmy by default. It’s fantastic and the dev has been super responsive.

    • Yeah, I’m super excited to see what comes of this. It feels like a big experiment. I don’t know, like the internet is brand new, at least for me with this fediverse concept. Just has that kind of wild Wild West of the internet feel again.

      • It’s shitty what has been happening to what were once great platforms, but it is exciting to see the new space that is opening. It may be that these new spaces are a slice of pure bliss for awhile as it takes the more tech conscious to come here. The fediverse, as it is so new, is filtering out people. Hopefully all the good folks come here and the dull ones stay on Reddit and Facebook.

  • Does anyone know if a wefwef community where one could add feedback and suggestions?

    Super surprised by how much more I like this little web app then the 5 (and counting!) native Android apps I have installed, but there are a few things that would be nice to have that are missing:

    • Formatting tools for comments. Especially markdown for links is tedious on mobile 🙄

    • Can’t seem to save/bookmark posts or comments. Button doesn’t seem to react, and can’t find anywhere where my saved things (from other clients) are listed. Is it just me?

    • The ability to tweak the color theme. After 15+ years on Reddit, the blue upvote arrow is jarring 😳

    I guess I could probably just go directly to GitHub…

  • I’m brand new to Lemmy, is there any way to find all of the communities(?), spaces(?) that I have registered and signed up for? I had to sign up with a username on every single space I just tried to look up.

    Does wefwef list all of your communities under one login? Sorry, these kinds of websites, like mastodon are new to me and I’m used to like Reddit for instance with one login for everything.