• I’ve always wanted to try psychedelics but I won’t until I have a chain of custody to prove it ain’t laced with something nasty. Hopefully something like this comes to California soon!

        • That’s exactly right! Drop a small piece in a vial, add the solution, and after a short wait it turns a certain color. The test kit comes with a color wheel that indicates what substance you have based on the color in the vial.

          And yes! My username is based on the infantry unit of the pre-Marian Reforms Roman Republic. I grew up playing Rome: Total War so the name is a love letter to the game as well. Thanks for the compliment! What does your username mean to you? My first guess is it’s a reference to Mr. T but that might be just an assumption on my part.

    • Check out dark net markets on TOR. There’s a whole marketplace with ebay style reviews so you can know who to trust. I always buy from people with thousands of 5 star reviews to put my mind at ease. Probably done about 5 dozen or more trips and the only time I’ve gotten fake/the wrong/laced drugs is when Ive gotten them in person.

    • If you do get your hands on them sometime, I also recommend doing yourself the favor of reading trip reports and taking the experience seriously.

      Although they can be seriously and amazingly transformative, psychedelics can also pose mental health hazards. Be sure to have an experienced and patient trip sitter on hand.

    • Same in Sweden. The police have even gone on patrols along the road to catch people plocking wild psychedelic mushrooms, and they thought this was a valuable use of their time.

    • It’s so sad that the war on drugs people Keep making their rediculous arguments against it now there are so many places where it’s legal and nothing has happened beside increased tax revenue and lives no longer being ruined by the police.

      Maryland started selling recreational a few days ago and if you weren’t looking for it you’d barely notice, certain shops now sell good quality, fairly priced weed to anyone over 21, society hasn’t collapsed.

  • My issue is that I have bipolar disorder. I’d be worried about getting zapped into a permanent manic state.

    While I have had good bouts of mania where I’m super productive and accomplish a lot, I can also be severely agitated and aggressive, which is much more common than the productive episodes.

    • I don’t know the specifics well, but yeah there’s definitely a chance for your brain to suffer psychological damage from taking it, and generally mental health disorders or family history of them are big risk factors.