Video from security cameras, mobile phones and body cameras screened to journalists

  • I’m seeing it on The mods on /c/worldnews there are removing any comment that isn’t pro-Hamas. Not even pro-Palestinian, you have to follow Hamas’ narrative or your comment gets deleted. Look at the mod logs if you doubt me. Even just doubting Hamas’ honesty is grounds for a comment to be removed.

    •  apis   ( ) 
      28 months ago


      Though it isn’t surprising that such an unpleasant & extreme group have risen to power under the conditions, their behaviour and ideology are disgusting devastating.

      Primarily to the Palestinians who are trapped in Gaza under the brutal fist of Hamas.

      There’s a vast chasm between being sympathetic to militant groups under certain circumstances, and being unquestioningly supportive of far-right death cults.

      • Yeah, that’s what really gets my goat. Hamas is not a group that any of those people would like living under. Yet they have bought into this “Western” versus “non-Western” narrative so deeply that they will excuse even straight up war crimes by any group as long as that group runs counter to Western interests and values.

        •  apis   ( ) 
          18 months ago

          Some, certainly, have just gone loopy in this way, but I feel a fair few fancy themselves as exacting similar levels of violent authoritarianism.

          Sad to encounter anyone with so much hatred.