• This is the problem with the USA:

    Amanda Ensing, one of the organizers of the Jamestown Conservatives group, emerged from the library Tuesday wearing an “I voted” sticker. “They are trying to groom our children to believe that it’s OK to have these sinful desires,” Ensing said of library officials. “It’s not a political issue, it’s a Biblical issue.”

    It’s idiots like this (millions of them), who don’t know anything about the biblical texts, that want the USA to be ruled by evangelical Christians.

  • this happening anywhere is bad, but it’s interesting where these efforts succeed and where they don’t–and it seems noteworthy that this ran well behind Trump, demonstrating that even if these succeed, they lose even a decent chunk of conservatives.

    Voters on Tuesday rejected the millage renewal by a 25-point margin — 62 percent to 37 percent — on the same day voters approved millages for road improvements and the fire department. […] Jamestown Township, population just under 10,000, is politically conservative even for conservative Ottawa County. The township voted for Donald Trump for president by a margin of 76-21 percent in 2020.