Hello, I’ve been a long time Linux user but I had a 5 years break and I am coming back to it now.

I’ve been trying several Linux distributions in the past week, installing the packages and configuring them as I need with several different orders of success.

My last case was an Ubuntu installation that I was very happy with and pretty close to call it setup and done, until I installed virtualbox and restarted the system only to find it bricked.

Obviously I could try to drop into one of the terminals on ctrl + alt + Fx and fix it, but I wonder if I could be smarter about it and be more prepared for this kind of situation.

One of the starting points I think would be having a separate home partition from the rest of the system. I used to have it in the past and it was great.

But then what’s next? What are the best FS I could pick for each type of partition? A performant one to keep the code and package manager cache, a journaling/snapshop based one for system, another type for game data, etc etc.

What if I would like to have a snapshot of working version of my system backed up somewhere ready to restore as simple as simple as possible?

How do you configure your systems in order to quickly recover from an unexpected bricking without growing some more white hairs, and squeezing as much performance vs feature for each of your use case?

  • Well having a dedicated /home partition is the very minimum and pretty much default.

    If you are interested in having a backup/restore solution for your system you are looking for BTRFS which uses sub volumes instead of primary partitions and is compatible with snapshot tools, those tools being Timeshift and Snapper.

    I do think Snapper is the superior solution however it’s also more complex to set up and requires significantly more prep work. Imo totally worth it.

    I currently use it on my main machine Debian with BTRFS and Snapper and couldn’t be happier.

      • This came pre installed and setup on my Garuda Linux install and it’s great. By default it takes a snapshot before and after every update or installation through the package manager so if something goes wonky I can just select the previous snapshot in grub and be back up and running in seconds.

        Also just recently installed bazzite on a laptop and it appears to automatically do something similar, but I haven’t spent as much time with it to know the ins and outs yet.

  •  vettnerk   ( @vettnerk@lemmy.ml ) 
    11 months ago

    On servers I like to have /var on its own partition. Partially as a habit from the olden days of using FreeBSD in the 90’s, but also because that means that / will mostly be left with things that don’t really change. I’ve had to clean out clogged up / too many times. So in effect, my partion schema for a typical production server looks like this:

    / ext4
    /local xfs
    /global usually beegfs or nfs, but sometimes a local xfs.
    /var ext4
    /home ext4

    • Eli5 what’s in /var and /local?

      /Global is just personal storage like /home?

      I never manually make fs but I really want to have a good set up like on was asking.

      Also do you know what’s up with /swap? Is it beneficial aside from getting the ability to hibernate?

      Also… What happens when I reinstall an OS and my home is separate? If I had Kodi installed as a flat pack and then reinstalled a like-distro, would Kodi still be set up and available with all my settings? Or would I have to reinstall again?

      …obviously I don’t know much about the fs

      • /var was originally for files of varying sizes, but today it’s more of a general purpose storage for the system, such as log files. It used to make sense to have this as its own partition as read and write operations were generally expected to be small but many, as opposed to few and large for the rest of the storage areas. With its own partition it’s easier to adjust the filesystem to accomodate the I/O. Today it’s mostly used for logs.

        /local used to be similar to /usr/local on some systems, but that’s not really the case anymore. It’s a directory we use at work for local stuff, as opposed to /global which is shared with the entire server cluster.

        You can have any directory as its own partition, just make sure the mountpont reflects it. /home is a very common example of this - using this as a mountpoint instead of just a normal directory named /home prevents regular uaers from filling up the root filesystem and borking normal operation.

        Swap is what your PC uses when it runs out of RAM. It can be a partition, or it can be individual (large) files. As an example, I have a rather huge and demanding factorio save which takes up more memory than I have on my laptop, so when I want to play it I have to add additional swap space. It’s similar to what windowa refers to as the pagefile. It’s slow compared to RAM, but it enables the PC to operate relatively normal despite being bogged down with loads of allocated memory.

  • Btrfs snapshots are great! All my filesystem is Btrfs, with subvolumes for root, home and var.

    I’m using the Fedora immutable distros on many computers, it’s great to be able to boot into a previous version of the system if issues arise. Not that issues arise, since most packages are installed as Flatpaks, in a toolbox or in a container. Makes the systems nearly unbrickable.

  • Thanks for all your comments, a lot of interesting things here.

    I went with BtrFS with Timeshift. Seems to have improved in terms of performance a lot that I barely noticed any difference compared to the previous installation with Ext4, if any at all.

    Unfortunately the current Ubuntu 23.10 installer doesn’t properly set btrfs subvolumes correctly for @ and @home and instead instead just throws the entire OS at the root of the FS, making it incompatible with Timeshift and causing FS snapshots to live in the Linux directories, which in turn would cause future snapshots to contain snapshots, not great…

    Fortunately migrating to a subvolume layout is possible although it was quite painful following this outdated and a bit not well written post https://www.reddit.com/r/btrfs/s/qWi84tGJam

    After successfully installing the system and setting up btrfs layouts and Timeshift, I created the first system snapshot and I feel extremely confident about this solid system.

    Thanks again for sharing your experience!

    •  catacomb   ( @catacomb@beehaw.org ) 
      211 months ago

      I need to get into NixOS but I have a similar variation on servers: ansible for state of systems, Borg + Borgbase for data (kept in /srv) and code (including ansible) are in Git.

      The separation between data and state is really great. You want to be able to go from a base install and only bring in everything which makes your setup different.

  •  Lvxferre   ( @lvxferre@lemmy.ml ) 
    11 months ago

    I only have three partitions, all ext4:

    • /dev/sda1 mounted as / - if necessary I wipe it out, reinstall my junk and call it a day. The only non-default things there are a few /etc files but I got a manual backup of the ones that matter. It’s in the SSD to access is really fast.
    • /dev/sdb1 mounted as /home - that’s my precious, for files that are personal and/or impossible to replace. Kept as small as possible so I can mirror it into a USB stick. It’s in the HDD, right at the start so access is fast.
    • /dev/sdb2 mounted as /storage - originally I created this partition to bulk store my anime series, music, etc. so I could broadcast them through SMB across my house. If I lose those files I’ll probably be pissed, but they can be recovered with some sweat, blood, and torrents. Access speed is not that big of a concern for those files.

    I’m actually considering to create a fourth partition. See, the /storage partition has 1.6 TB, so I created a /storage/binarios subdir in it so I can install a few programs (mostly games)… that’s just /opt reinvented poorly, might as well promote it to its own partition.

  • For years I used ext4 and backuped on an external HD/SSD using rsync.

    For a couple of months now I redid a test setup with btrfs (and luks), I have a root, home, var, swap subvolumes. I’m using Timeshift for backup, I think I need to format a new external SSD as btrfs too to backup the snapshot.

    • I’m getting a new, actually modern computer in 6 months or so and have been thinking BTRFS similar to your use. I’m mainly used to server hardware and my last system was SSD for root and HDD for everything else (a bit out of date for PCs).

      I’m thinking of a similar setup, with 2x NVME drives as a BTRFS in RAID1 w/ subvolumes and external backups. How’s your setup working for you?

      • I dual boot windows/Linux on the nvme, another SSD is NTFS because there’s doc, pictures, mp3, etc that I can access from both OS. All NTFS are using bitlocker.

        Btrfs works pretty well, it is mature, I’ll test an external SSD using luks/btrfs to backup my system.

  •  The Doctor   ( @drwho@beehaw.org ) 
    111 months ago

    I still stick to a relatively traditional partitioning scheme these days, even though I use btrfs on Leandra (my primary server). It made sense to replicate it with subvolumes.

    /dev/nvme0n1p2      /          ext4
    /dev/nvme0n1p1      /boot      vfat (because that's where EFI lives)
    /dev/sda1           /btrfs     btrfs (because the volume has to be mounted to access subvolumes)
                        /home      (btrfs subvolume)
                        /opt       (btrfs subvolume)
                        /srv       (btrfs subvolume)
                        /var       (btrfs subvolume)
  • Never had a backup system, but then again I haven’t used Linux that much. Though considering installing Debian again. Last time I looked at btrfs which seemed dope but there was something weird about it which made me ditch it. Maybe it was that I don’t know that much about Linux and configuring automatic backups seemed difficult.

  • I simply backup the /home folder, where the important files are with duplicity on my home server with ftp once a week, keeping records of the last 6 months. But as that only restores the home folder i also take a snapshot (which takes way more disk space) every month with timeshift too, which stays on the pc. Would be great if i could take complete snapshots via ftp just like with duplicity, but timeshift doesn’t do that.