simple ( ) English114•2 years agoJust gonna leave this little gem here, enjoy.
Cavemanfreak ( ) English18•2 years agoHaha jesus christ, the incompetence is unreal!
MsPenguinette ( ) English10•2 years agoStop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!
communication [they] ( ) English6•2 years agoThis is…beautiful?
ajjlyman ( ) English4•2 years agoI literally fell out my chair laughing at the network tab scrolling like that 🤣
omenmis ( ) English2•2 years agodid they not even test it before they shipped it. Embarassing
key ( ) English81•2 years agoBy post he means tweet, right? Google says average tweet length is only around 30 characters and average word length around 5 characters. So let’s say it’s 8 words with abbreviation which would take 2 seconds to read. If it’s 4 seconds per tweet with scrolling then you can now only spend under an hour on Twitter without paying (not counting time spent replying). Good on him for fighting against social media addiction I guess.
Thurgo ( ) English42•2 years agoI got rate limited in 25 minutes by refreshing my Following feed and reading about people getting rate limited. I don’t think it counts 600 unique tweets since I definitely reloaded the same tweets multiple times.
myxi ( ) English29•2 years agoDude is using 100% of his brain to find the best way to cut ad revenue.
grinde ( ) English15•2 years agoIt’s basically everything. Tweets, quoted tweets, replies, and even ads all count against the limit. I’ve seen people saying they hit the limit in under 10 minutes of scrolling. One person said they only managed to post two tweets before being limited.
And from what I understand spam bots are mostly unaffected since they’re already rate limited for reads (but not posts).
Casmael ( ) English11•2 years agoLmao what a fucking spoon
cduke23 ( ) English4•2 years agoI can’t believe people used to think this guy was Tony Stark, when he was obviously a dumber Justin Hammer this whole time.
jay ( ) English76•2 years agowow, this is actually amazing.
You’d think a rapidly developing service like Lemmy might face restrictions like that due to resources but Twitter? Mismanagement beyond belief.
rs5th ( ) English75•2 years agospez right now:
Solar Bear ( ) English73•2 years agoHow the fuck is Reddit closing their API behind a ridiculous paywall only the SECOND stupidest social media move of the day
Casmael ( ) English35•2 years agoBoy I sure picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue
Cavemanfreak ( ) English11•2 years agoWell I picked the wrong day to quit amphetamines!
Sooperstition ( ) English2•2 years agoThe reporters came to the scene to take some pictures…
LittleKerr ( ) English20•2 years agoThe day is not over yet
ReallyActuallyFrankenstein ( ) English5•2 years agoWell, Huffman made his Reddit API moves in conscious emulation of (and after talking with) Musk. So behold, a single bad idea from a single person is bringing down two major social networks in one day.
dan ( ) English1•2 years agodeleted
marx2k ( ) English66•2 years agoFucking lol.
Keep punching yourself in the dick, elmo.
interolivary ( ) English50•2 years agoI wonder what’s actually going on; I doubt it’s about “scraping” and “manipulation”
grinde ( ) English37•2 years agoThis is second-hand, so take it with a grain of salt, but I’ve seen mention of a bug that sometimes causes the same graphql query to be executed in an infinite loop (presumably they’re async requests, so the browser wouldn’t lock and the user wouldn’t even notice).
So they may essentially be getting DDOS’d by their own users due to a bug on their end.
Edit: better info:
interolivary ( ) English10•2 years agoHa, that’s hilarious. Absolutely not a surprise, though
Catoblepas ( ) English16•2 years agoFor my money I would bet the issue stems from abandoning Google server hosting, either from arrogance or being unable to afford it.
interolivary ( ) English5•2 years agoOh yeah I completely forgot about that particular idiocy, Elmo gets up to so much stupid shit that it’s hard to keep track.
But I’d also be willing to bet money on this being somehow at least partially tied to ditching GC, likely due to not being able to pay (at that’s what is implied by them refusing to pay the bill.) I guess Elmo thought “how hard can running some servers be? I’m a rokit skientist” and decided to just skip paying the bill as a power move instead of trying to make a deal with Google, and now the remaining developers, ops people etc. – those poor bastards – are paying the price.
fidodo ( ) English5•2 years agoThat’s my bet too. They weren’t hosting the site itself on GCP but they were using them for trust and safety services, and I bet that one of those services was anti scraping prevention with things like ip blocking and captchas, which would explain why scraping suddenly became a problem for them the day their contract ended. It can’t be a coincidence.
AChiTenshi ( ) English15•2 years agoI’m suspect some of the backend is starting to fail. So the servers can’t keep up with the demand.
Scrubbles ( ) English13•2 years agoOr it could be. It’s no coincidence that scraping went way up when he started charging for the API.
Everyone with a brain knows that data will be retrieved somehow, it’s do you want a lower cost API option or do you want them to scrape the whole webpage?
the_artic_one ( ) English6•2 years agoI bet it’s just more short sighted penny pinching, he’s been skipping out on bills left and right.
jmcs ( ) English6•2 years agoIf it is, he’s even dumber than I thought. You stop scrapping by setting a rate limit to something comfortable for humans but painfully slow for scrappers. Something like 60 tweets per minute would all but ensure that humans aren’t affected and that scrappers won’t get anywhere.
xuu ( ) English3•2 years agoIts all about getting people to pay for it.
- chickenwing ( ) English46•2 years ago
You know the fediverse isn’t perfect but it seems more sustainable than these big social media companies that are not profitable. Reddit and Twitter make no real money but want to host everything on their website and I’m not entirely sure why. Image boards like 4chan purge all their data and the fediverse is spread out to a bunch of different servers. What’s the point of keeping everything forever on one server? Do they really think that all that junk data is valuable?
Also why did reddit go from just hosting text to hosting images and videos? It used to be a link aggregation site now it’s a never leave our borders site I don’t understand how that’s going to be profitable with how much hosting that data is going to cost.
Years ago I used to hit like 15 websites a day just for video game news and discussion then it became all reddit.
cmdrfire ( ) English24•2 years agoAs Cory Doctorow termed it, it’s the enshittification of the Internet - all for the sake of “shareholder value” It’s a proper “can’t see the wood for the trees” business
seducingcamel ( ) English7•2 years agoMiss the good ole days of porn on gfycat
seducingcamel ( ) English4•2 years agoMiss the good ole days of imgur, YouTube, and porn on gfycat
dan ( ) English3•2 years agoAlso why did reddit go from just hosting text to hosting images and videos? It used to be a link aggregation site now it’s a never leave our borders site
The idea is to keep the users on Reddit instead of directing them to third-party sites, so they can show them ads instead of the third-party sites getting all the ad revenue. They just haven’t figured out how to monetize it.
- chickenwing ( ) English2•2 years ago
It’s costing them a lot of money to do that. Old reddit must have been a lot cheaper. I don’t get the walled garden approach for a link aggregation site. It’s obvious spez is going to sell it for a shit ton of money then bounce because it’s a money pit. So was Twitter they lucked out with Elon being dumb enough to buy it for that insane price tag.
ConsciousCode ( ) English1•2 years agoSet up the garden’s walls so you can profit off the users when “eventually” figure out how to monetize them? Sending people to third party sites means you can’t show them ads even in principle, but the cost of hosting seems like it would quickly outstrip whatever extra revenue you could get. Corporations are legally required to increase in value forever, so it’s literally illegal to make “enough money” when there’s a chance for “all the money”, even if pursuing that chance actually hurts long-term viability (which stockholders don’t care about because they can always cash out).
RandomBit ( ) English38•2 years agoI’m shocked, SHOCKED that killing the API would lead to web scraping! That was a completely unpredictable outcome.
fidodo ( ) English1•2 years agoI’m also shocked that this happened the day after their contract with Google for trust and safety services ended. Totally a coincidence right? One of those services surely couldn’t be anti scraper protection could it?
Meow.tar.gz ( ) English37•2 years agoI for one am cheering its demise.
sabreW4K3 ( ) English32•2 years agoLimit rating your core audience in their primary task is completely batshit crazy. Thank fuck for mastodon.
Lazycog ( ) English32•2 years agoLet’s hope for another twitter migration wave to mastodon / other fediverse platforms!
arctic pie (he/him) ( ) English31•2 years agoSo unless you pay Elon Musk $8/month, you can only load 600 tweets per day. That’s some fucked up shit right there man.
madjo ( ) English4•2 years agoAnd apparently their new algorithm seems to favour posts that anger people. So it’s 600 rage inducing posts… stick a fork in it, Twitter is done.
Data's Cat Spot ( ) English1•2 years ago…surely there’s gotta be a better analogy
tristanphips ( ) English31•2 years agoTraditional internet is killing itself
- chickenwing ( ) English45•2 years ago
Just these monolithic social media companies really. And I don’t really consider anything “web 2.0” to be traditional internet. Newgrounds was traditional internet.
Kalothar ( ) English7•2 years agoAnd it was dope for little Kalothar
Data's Cat Spot ( ) English27•2 years agoThe fediverse came just in time. I wouldn’t have even heard about lemmy/kbin or mastodon if reddit hadn’t shut down 3rd party apps.
They seem like they’re trying to bleed a stone.
Dee ( ) English2•2 years agoThey showed they don’t have the lobes for business.
bobs_monkey ( ) English24•2 years agoNah, Web 2.0 is killing itself. Turns out dipshit greedy pig boys aren’t great at running social platforms
ConsciousCode ( ) English1•2 years agoIt’s bizarre they ever thought they could, the internet is pretty fundamentally socialist in spirit with large chunks of infrastructure being maintained by OSS, the culture being based in flirting with copyright violation and transformative works, and people generally expecting to receive services for free. Information on the internet is intuitively considered the commons by everyone except the people trying to monetize it.
rm_dash_r_star ( ) English11•2 years agoI would say the traditional internet was before the time of corporate ruled media, so in that case I’d say corporate internet is killing itself and and media is going back to traditional, at least with respect to the Fediverse.
Grant_M ( ) English30•2 years agoThis is the result of a deranged fascist being born with an apartheid silver spoon in his mouth.
MikeHfuhruhurr ( ) English23•2 years agoProbably an emerald spoon in his case.
Grant_M ( ) English6•2 years agoIndeed!
ram ( ) English13•2 years agoBut there’s no proof his father even owned emerald mines!! I mean outside public records and his father’s admission and assertion that it’s true!!
Name me one piece of evidence outside that!! You can’t
Grant_M ( ) English4•2 years ago😂