How has it been for you? Do you get FOMO feeling sometimes?

I use Reddit less and less but haven’t fully quit yet. Always have this odd feeling of FOMO regards content.

Not only that, some subreddits haven’t migrated to any other platform unfortunately. Or they have but the content is very little compared to Reddits content.

Note - wasn’t sure where to post this. So if this wasn’t the right place, apologies!

The issue I have with Reddit - it’s full of hateful people and most content is just bots karma farming.

EDIT: Thanks for all the responses!

EDIT 2: Thanks for the ones that mentioned RSS-Feed. Just got it and it’s amazing. Still manage to only follow the subreddits that I like without crapads.

  • Fully left Reddit. Hate that they killed Sync so bounced. Don’t miss it at all.

    The flip side is Lemmy is meh. Every damn post is Linux shilling. We get it. Lemmy users like Linux. At least Sync works on this site.

    Ultimately, I guess I just don’t care about either site. I just want something to mindlessly browse for a few minutes every day when I’m shitting, and Lemmy is fine.

  •   ( ) 
    228 months ago

    I left reddit totally when I made my account here. Lemmy has been great, but it’s not a full replacement per se. Most often I’ve just decided I can live without the niche reddit content. Lemmy has plenty of its own content, and it’s enough for me to fill that “hole”.

    As I’m sure many are aware, reddit has addictive qualities that aren’t always serving your best interest. Just because there’s a subreddit for r/breadstapledtotrees doesn’t mean you should dedicate time out of your day to look at it. All the important discussions to me have mostly moved over here, and all the people who are posting and commenting on Lemmy have a much much higher level of aptitude on these topics than redditors (I like that you can go into a random meme community on Lemmy and pick a fight about filesystems).

    We still need to create and fill a lot of niche communities here, but Rome wasn’t built in a day and we’re making great progress here in just a few months. Lemmy feels viable and sustainable and I think we’re past the hard part of gaining critical mass and making daily Lemmy use a habit. My call-to-action would be to stop searching reddit for answers to things and start posting those questions on Lemmy. There are so many smart people here waiting to infodump their experience onto you.

  • I went from maybe 1 - 2 hours of reddit use per day for years to 0 the day 3rd party clients were turned off.

    I don’t feel fomo, but I only use lemmy maybe 15 - 30 minutes per day on average, and I am happy about that

  • I miss it. It makes me angry, and a little sad, and definitely lonely. I miss the community and the friends I had (which accounted for too much of my social interaction). But I still feel like it was the right move.

    It is a toxic place in many ways, but there are communities there that are hard to replace. I ignored much of what was happening for far too long, and a lot of my pain now comes from a failure to deal with that reality when I should have done

    Instead I moved with the masses, at least in theory. I hate that it was necessary, but I would do it again.

  • Honestly, I haven’t missed it. I’m no longer doom-scrolling an eternal screen of karma-farming bullshit.

    I took part in the blackout protest and tried Lemmy at the same time. When Reddit proved they didn’t give a shit, I went back long enough to scrub my post and comment history, before deleting my ~15yo account entirely. Sure, they could probably recover the data, but why would they?

    I use Pihole for DNS and a private searx-ng instance for web search, so I just block all Reddit domains in DNS and search results, and it’s genuinely like it doesn’t exist for me any more.

    Also, the pace on Lemmy is much nicer, IMHO. I find a lot of days I only look at Lemmy a couple of times, and very quickly move on if there’s no posts of interest to me.

  • For me it was great. I’ve been trying to leave that shithole for years; Lemmy got enough content quantity and diversity to keep me entertained.

    I do miss a few niche subs; mostly r/conlangs, game-specific subs, and a few subs for anime/manga/LN series. But I don’t really feel missing out.

    I also miss behaving like a shit-flinging monkey and chimping out. I don’t do this here in Lemmy, but I did it all the time in Reddit. I guess that I contributed to what you call “hateful people”? Perhaps not, you don’t look like the sort of user that I’d chew on.

    The issue I have with Reddit - it’s full of hateful people and most content is just bots karma farming.

    My issue with Reddit is also the userbase. But it’s on another level: the local culture of Reddit encourages braindeadness, disingenuousness, entitlement, and circlejerking.

    •  sour   ( ) 
      8 months ago


      i find paragraph comments with a tone that sounds like garbage

      often found in arguments

      they agree with people who don’t care about things that don’t affect them

      reasonable comments are downvoted when they’re unpopular

      • not caring about things that don’t affect you is more acceptable there

        This, too. So much this.

        In Reddit you’re either “waaah you evil!!11one” or you have strong opinions about every fucking thing. And what a coincidence - those strong opinions happen to coincide with the ones of most other subreddit users! It also pisses me off.

  • The issue I have with Reddit - it’s full of hateful people

    I left two or three years before the big wave, for precisely this reason. It really is a toxic culture – it seeps into your brain that you cannot say something mildly wrong or controversial without the mob snowballing your comment to death.
    No one affords others any goodwill, because not doing so makes their own number go up.

    I was on Mastodon for quite a while, because Lemmy wasn’t a thing yet. And over there, you can only make people’s numbers go up and the culture reflects that.
    I do feel like the Lemmy model works better for unearthing content (Mastodon is more about people), but I can’t help but feel like there ought to be a path in the middle.

    • I was lurking for a comment like this. You’ve described my feeling exactly. Lemmy feels a bit more mature. I went cold turkey for reddit and I’m not going back. Btw, I use Connect app and really live it. I don’t seem to have some of the technical issues that I see others talk about with Lemmy

  • Leaving Reddit gave me the opposite of FOMO. I’m glad to not be fed as much algorithm-tailored BS as before. I still use YouTube, but most of my YouTube viewing is at least related to my other hobbies.

  • I made an account this week… first time since June 3rd. I used it for 5 mins. Saw ads in the comments I was typing a response to. Deleted the account. The few niche communities I want are just not worth it. Reddit is dead. That was the final test. It shall diminish and go into the west.

  • I feel more out of touch with current events that aren’t related to US politics and I have fewer memes to send in the group chat, but no FOMO. Combined with quitting Twitter, it’s been good for focusing more on myself. I think I watch YouTube more than I used to now though.