Two in three hospitals in the enclave are “partially functional” as the aid is a “drop in the ocean”, says Dr. Richard Peeperkorn, UN health agency (WHO) representative in the occupied Palestinian territory.

He underscored that power and medical supplies shortages were putting at risk 1,000 kidney patients in need of dialysis, 130 premature babies in incubators, 2,000 cancer patients and scores of others on ventilators in intensive care units.

  •  livus   ( ) 
    8 months ago

    This is heartbreaking. If you’ve ever had an incubator baby in your family, you know how incredibly tiny and vulnerable they are and how it feels like a miracle or gift that this child you love is alive.

  • For both Israel and Hamas, those numbers are just statistics - an unfortunate, but acceptable sacrifice to get their political ends. And the rest of the world has a limited capacity to grieve.