Really interesting read about the history of YouTube adblocking, how the new detection works, how uBO is responding, and how not to block the new popups.

  • uBO team (2 people) should not be responding to questions on reddit or elsewhere. They should just update the filters and post a “extension updated, should work again now”.

    In the end, Youtube will win if they want to win. Google can throw unconscionable amounts of money at their techs to fight the adblockers while the volunteers spend their attention and patience.

    • The question is ‘Do they want to keep throwing money at techs in the hope of forcing people to watch their ads?’

      At best, people will keep finding ways to get around the ads and YT will have wasted a ton of money on nothing.

      At worst, a bunch of people will abandon YT all together. And YT will have wasted a ton of money getting rid of them.

      Both options seem self-defeating and wasteful.

      •  DrRatso   ( ) 
        8 months ago

        The point is to make adblocking so tedious that only fairly tech literate people would do it. That cousin whose pc you set up and installed uBO on? They won’t figure out how to update the filters, they will just whitelist (or realistically just turn off uBO) or premium.

        Basically nobody will actually abandon YT over this and those who do will be so low in numbers it is ~0 to YT.

        • I don’t think we should underestimate the savvy programmers out there, who are just as fed up with ads as the rest of us.

          And at this point, most of the cousins who don’t know how to update their adblocker are already there. It’s a matter of time. YT won’t keep pouring money into this. Just long enough to the “balance the books.” When the ‘number of viewed ads’ start slowing down again and they’ve hit their max viewership, they’ll call off the hounds.

        •  Khotetsu   ( ) 
          68 months ago

          There’s a great video on this that was made when YouTube first started rolling this out called The Cobra Effect: Why Anti-Adblock Policies Could Hurt Revenue Instead, and one of the points mentioned in the video is the rising number of people who use an adblocker, and not specifically mentioned but shown in the video is a graphic from an article from 2015 which shows that just under 43% of people use an adblocker. That number will have obviously changed in the past 7 years, but if we just use 25% of viewers as an estimate, that’s 25% of all viewers on YouTube who may turn to more “malicious” forms of adblocking such as things like AdNaseum and ReVanced or sites that host YouTube videos without the ads, and tell others to do the same if they’re sick of ads. And even if they do give up and watch the ads, the science says that people who use adblockers are much less likely to click on an ad and make a purchase, which is bad for advertisers since they pay for the number of views an ad gets and their clickthrough rate would go down, making it more expensive and less profitable to do business with YouTube.

      • That is our win condition. To make it so costly for them that they bail on the idea. Because if we don’t, then it’s one step closer to their internet: locked down, hidden charges everywhere and content under their terms.

        This isn’t just about ads, it’s about keeping information free.

        • Pretty sure there are still Methods to get free access to satellite TV channels (the paid encrypted ones, I’m aware that there are Free channels) the methods just changed from how it was done in the old days, nowadays you need internet to download the keys, which kind of defeats the purpose since you could just use a Free IPTV service on that same connection.

          Also Satellite has fallen out of favor these days.

    •  DrQuint   ( ) 
      38 months ago

      Yeah. I don’t see the moderator leaving as a huge loss or anything because the fight against misinformation and noise in inglorious and full of people who refuse to help themselves. They have a life demanding their concern, and as far as I care, if they finally ripped the bandaid and went and focused on that life of theirs, then the world has become a better place.

  • Then there are non-tech-savvy users looking at the post and saying, “This is too complex. I give up.”

    This is YouTube’s ultimate goal. They don’t need to make it impossible to block ads, just more trouble than it’s worth for most people.

  • But the hurtful comments leave a bigger mark than the good ones

    As a volunteer for a charity, I feel this so much. I work incredibly hard to help people, I get paid nothing for my time. The entitlement and rude demands burns me out way faster. Especially when people seem to put far more effort into complaining and being rude than they do thanking me or showing appreciation for what we do.

  •  millie   ( ) 
    8 months ago

    I’ve moved on from trying to block the ads to using a front-end and a macro to do the annoying part for me. It’s been nice. I hadn’t realized how bad youtube’s UI was until seeing a clean one. I definitely recommend using one of the less notable ones, they seem to be faster.

  • So today, YouTube’s pop-ups rolled down to Views will be limited to one unless you remove your adblocker at which point the pop-ups ceased. (I was intentionally rolling them down). Have: Firefox, DDG Privacy Essentials, NoScript, uBlock Origin

    Techs working to give me access: I love you guys! I really appreciate what you’re doing.

    Fuck the hurtful comments, and do it to fight capitalism and enshittification.

    That said, when I can no longer YouTube without ads, I will no longer YouTube, which also means no engagement on video forums. Useful, interesting rants is what I have to offer.

  • We need an economic system change. We should go beyond the data economy and find new sustainable ways to develop software and platforms and social networks. uBO won’t win alone vs Google, unless they stop challenging it over technology

  •  ~/scaglio   ( ) 
    8 months ago

    uBlock Origin Lite works just fine.

    EDIT: as I wrote here, I am quite confident that my YT account has already been “rolled out” because of the many ads in the last 5–7 days. Before, I had 1 or 2 before some videos; now there are also pop-ups. I have made some experiments with VPNs (Mullvad) and browsers in several fresh VMs. uBOL works differently than the standard uBO and, from what I’ve seen, it seems to work fine. I’ll just stop repeating that.

    • This is wrong. If it’s working, it may be just because YT hasn’t rolled their adblock defeating code to you just yet. And other extensions may interfere with uBOL and cause it to stop working. Even there aren’t other extensions running, the built-in tracking protection in the browser can sometimes trip YT’s code. The uBO reddit post (written by the author of uBOL) points out that YT changes the relevant scripts twice a day, so even if you have a perfect setup, there are going to be windows of time where it doesn’t work.

      IOW, you can’t just install another extension and make the problem go away. Your whole setup matters.

    •  DrQuint   ( ) 
      8 months ago

      Comments like these is literally the first thing the article warns against.

      YouTube is doing this in a staggered and flaky rollout. Seeing the videos fine as an anecdote is no indication of anything. The only people who can claim a method works are those who have gained access to affected accounts, know how they’re affected, and have issued a fix.

      •  ~/scaglio   ( ) 
        18 months ago

        I didn’t pay much attention about the warning in the article, you’re right. 😅 I’ll edit the post since I’ve been too concise, and I have a lot of negative downvotes. I am quite confident that my YT account has already been “rolled out” because of the many ads in the last 5–7 days. Before, I had 1 or 2 before some videos; now there are also pop-ups. I have made some experiments with VPNs (Mullvad) and browsers in several fresh VMs. uBOL works differently than the standard uBO and, from what I’ve seen, it seems to work fine. I’ll just stop repeating that.