In the Direct (and other footage) we’ve seen quite a collection of different weapon types and ways to engage combat. Pistols, rifles, shotguns (and the different ammo types), melee weapons, fists, a couple of shots showed a dev playing primarily with explosives.

What kind of weapons are you planning on using? Often times I try to stick to one/two weapons (depending on the game and skill-system), but I can see myself at least trying out every different kind I find on my first playthrough :D

What about you?

Oh, I just noticed I forgot about space combat - tough I’m not too sure if it makes any difference in gameplay, or if it’s more a “use weapon type X to attack their defensive element Y” until you can board/destroy/whatever?

  •  Cethin   ( ) 
    32 years ago

    In the fallout games, you often need to use longer ranged weapons. This having combat in bases and ships frequently, I’m thinking I’ll focus on close range things more. Probably shotguns or SMGs, maybe pistols if they provide some kind of advantage. I doubt we’ll really have to choose one type though, and I’ll use whatever is best at that moment.

    • This is my thinking too. On a planet? Medium-long range. In a building or on a ship? SMG, pistols, shotguns. But, if it feels more fun to use a certain weapon regardless of the environment then I’ll just do what seems the most entertaining.

      Also we’re forgetting about the space magic stuff that was shown in the Direct. Maybe a build for throwing people into the air and the picking them off like a duck shoot?

  • I already have ideas for something small with a fast ROF like an SMG or machine pistol character if it allows, as well as a melee plus force powers character since they teased some weird space magic in the Direct.

  • IIRC, I stuck with longer guns like rifles and machine guns in Fallout 4, and in Cyberpunk I focused on shotguns. I’m thinking I might try pistols to mix it up, stealth sniping, ooor maybe shotguns again and those multi-bullet laser targeted weapons that I can’t remember the name of now.

  • I’m really hoping for good energy weapons and heavy weapons. I love heavy and energy weapons but they tend to be a mid or late game thing when I’ve already invested into rifles or something.