• I’ve been thinking about this very thing, lately. My wife and I started a weight loss program, which is actually working for me pretty well. However, even though I’m losing weight, my body shape is just kind of “equally shrinking”, instead of getting more…trim. I was thinking that my muscle mass is shrinking faster than my fat mass. I guess I need to get back to the strength training on Apple Fitness (or the free program Fitness Blender).

    • First of all, I’m just your typical gym rat, not a doctor or a trainer, so take this with a grain of salt. But it’s been my experience that starting weight training too soon on a weight-loss journey can actually be counterproductive. If you have a lot of fat to lose, concentrate on that first—eat less, do lots of cardio, and so on.

      The reason I say this is because at least for me, resistance training causes such an uptick in my hunger that it becomes nearly impossible to stick to a calorie deficit. YMMV, of course.

      • I appreciate your insights. The strength training segments on Apple Fitness are relatively mild and not very concerned with weight training, other than optional light dumbbells during the moves. At least that’s my experience so far in the beginning stages. I’ll be mindful of your words as I go forward. Thanks, Citizen!

      • As just a regular weight loss person, I’d agree with this. The most important thing is to get to a healthy and sustainable level for you first, be able to maintain it for at year, then go for broke with the rest. Otherwise, it’s too easy to break your healthy eating habits.