• And our governments are beholden to the rich because they can offer the best bribes.

    Until the rich feels threatened by the climate catastrophe, nothing will happen or change.

    Although we are seeing the first economic fallout from climate change, so there’s a slim chance. The rich are going to see their precious economic growth slow and eventually stall. I don’t know how they’ll react to that.

    Maybe they’ll all flee to New Zealand. Or some other remote location. I doubt SpaceX is going to offer any way out for anyone but the musky chodelet.

    I guess the rich’s reaction depends on whether they think their hideaway will afford them the same privilege as they currently have. Maybe they’ll try to bootstrap an Elysium like refuge on the moon if it’s predicted that even New Zealand won’t be safe from climate induced collapse.

  • I hate to be pessimistic but I feel more and more that we aren’t going to deal with climate in a meaningful way. I feel the governments of the world are taking a approach of benign neglect.

    • When i was a kid, i read in comic books how bad fckw is for the ozone layer. We learned it in school and people stopped producing and using it and the ozone layer is getting better and better. Same with leaded fuel. It at least it felt like humanity pulled on the same string.
      Now you see people who are actively into climate change, because they hate the thought of being progressive or “green”, because that’s for gays, and their favourite companies might lose money, or even worse, not eating meat once a month or maybe even walk/ride instead of use their car every now and then.
      I’m generally rather negative, but it feels really hopeless.
      Every now and then i gear that recycling is a scam, being vefan is pointless and they now eat twice as much meat than before etc. I’m not trying to sace the planet, i don’t have children, i don’t really care, i just do what i think is right.