• I never used a spin-off of a unique distribution of GNU/Linux on my own computer, except the dark Ubuntu times. It seemed right at the time.

      Now, I don’t see why I should recommend a distro that tries to be easier on new users when the original has sane defaults and is closer to upstream regarding all the tools and software bundled with it.

      Here are my recommendations for new users in that order (regardless of their computer knowledge): Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Arch, Slackware, LFS. Friends can help with the installation and should consider easy maintainability when dealing with users who just want to use it.

      My personal preferences are Gentoo and Debian.

      • I haven’t used Mint in years, but back in the day downstream distros from Debian often worked better for desktop users than Debian itself.

        This is because of Debian’s ‘stability’ philosophy. This meant that bugs could stick around for years in Debian stable after being fixed upstream.

        Of course, with each new stable release, there should be fewer bugs so this problem should become less over time.

        I’ve considered switching from Manjaro to Debian on my laptop, but then I think about how great the AUR is. That’s pretty much the main appeal for Manjaro over Debian, for me.

      • Before switching to LMDE, I did try just using Debian with Cinnamon, thinking it would be pretty much the same experience. I did not really enjoy the experience. There were too many niceties missing that I had taken for granted with Mint. I wasn’t interested in spending my time hunting down all the tweaks and packages to make those changes.

  • I’ve been using Mint for a few months now after initially trying Fedora and Kubuntu. Mint has been by far my favorite experience and I’ve even gotten a few people converted to Linux via Mint. Definitely my recommendation for any Linux newbies.

  •  kelvie   ( @kelvie@lemmy.ca ) 
    8 months ago

    I’ve used Linux for over two decades (red hat to Gentoo to Ubuntu to arch) and I must say it’ll be a tough sell to get me back to an RPM or a debian based distro solely due to how god awfully slow the package managers (dpkg and rpm) are.

    Since Docker came along and brought with it the ride of Alpine and APK, it made me realize that system upgrades on a modern processor, fast internet, and an SSD should take seconds, not minutes.

  • I too think Cinnamon is a pretty great Experience. I am using KDE and heard from many people that it feels better, its more unified and has way more features.

    Wayland is important for security, and Mint will need a long time to adopt that. There are already apps only running on Wayland for reasons.

    KDE is a bit unstable as its a huge project. I hope that will get better in Plasma 6.

    I sure wish to have something like KDE more stable. But once you are used to it, its just better. Things that are not there yet on Mint are on KDE since years.

    Its a bit of a mess as its so old. Extensions need to be cleaned up. But like, Dolphin extensions are so great, I dont know an equivalent on Cinnamon.

    Also the distro model is the standard one. A Fedora Atomic Cinnamon variant, with modern presets and everything working, would be a great thing to install anywhere. Automatic atomic updates, easy version upgrades, transparent system changes and resets being just one command away.

    • You can get a Cinnamon image via U-Blue.

      U-Blue in general is a nice collection of images because not only are there various unofficial options, but a lot of things like RPMFusion, etc. are preconfigured in their versions of the main editions (SilverBlue, Kinoite, Sericea, Onyx).

      Or you can just rebase regular SilverBlue (or one of the three other official variants) to one of those images if you’re running it already. Can roll back if you don’t like it.

      I doubt there’ll be an official edition until Cinnamon has full Wayland support since Fedora is going all in on that now.

      In the meantime, the community has it covered.

      • Right! I have to try that.

        Personally I dont care for cinnamon, but it is easy for users and ublue is great.

        My personal wishlists are a Fedora-based TV OS, a hardened version and a rawhide kde 6 one

  • I have used some distros by now and I do love mint. But a few years back every major upgrade of mint lead to bugs and me reinstalling my system. So far the only Distro i tried that just keeps working is MX Linux on my old laptop.

    Because I want to get rid of windows I installed Nobara. I love to play games. I works pretty good, but since only one guy ist maintaining it, it should be not considered a daily driver.

    I am still not happy because it dont want to switch between distros for gaming and working.

  •  Eopia   ( @Eopia@feddit.de ) 
    28 months ago

    It was my first distro I liked it at the time, but after they killed of the KDE Edition I tried out Manjaro and the rolling release with up to date software just fits my use case much better.

  • Installs mint. Connects to wifi at work. Prompted with a window that wants me to specify certificate versions or whatever. No clue about what any of it means and never get to connect. Uninstalled and back to Windows. Mint so easy to use /s 👍

      • Yeh and apparently Lemmy folks down votes legit bad experiences with gnu/Linux. If you think the user is the problem here, this community seriously have a problem if thet want gnu/Linux to be mainstream.

        • People here really do need to realize how little the average user is willing to tinker and troubleshoot. Not to mention the software availability. Saying “it’s soooo easy to switch over” is just blatantly false, even now. The vast, vast majority of gamers play games with incompatible anti-cheat. Those people will likely not stop playing the games they want to because of moral values or Foss whatever’s. Same with software. Sure, krita or gimp are easy as hell to pick up, but if you’ve lived your whole life with Photoshop, and have no problem other than the usual adobe bullshit, you’re not gonna switch to an is with zero possibility of supporting that app any time soon.

          I can’t offer a solution to fix linux’s issues, but there needs to be a community willing to answer the most basic questions honestly.