A new report released Thursday says that privatization of health care in Ontario won’t reduce wait times but may actually increase them.

  • The only people who believe that wait times would be worse under a public health care system are people who don’t currently need to access health care under a private health care system. I’m an American who unfortunately needs to see specialists relatively frequently and the wait times are already atrocious.

  • Private health care opens -> Private offices offer better hours and/or better pay -> Doctors and nurses jump ship because everyone has bills to pay -> Pubic offices get even farther behind.

    Canada should be un-private-ing EVERY part of healthcare, not just the paying part. OHIP style where the govt. sets prices and pays for care but hospitals and doctors offices have to make enough to keep their lights on AND provide health care (and line pockets because private) is just stupid.

      •  pbjamm   ( @pbjamm@beehaw.org ) 
        8 months ago

        See : USA

        The only people who think that private health care in the USA is better than public in Canada are people who have never had to deal with private insurance. It is expensive, wait times are still long, you get nickled and dimed for every little thing to inflate the bill, CoPays, Out-of-Network, your primary care physician/hospital/ambulance/anesthesiologist might not take your insurance.

        It is an unlit maze of bullshit and the insurance company does not care if you get lost forever.

  • But it will make more money for our corporate overlords and their priesthood of investors.

    This isn’t about health care or taking care of people … it’s always about the religion of money.

  • To me the entire article seems to be establishment propaganda that tries to convince people that the current system is working fine and we just need to dump more money in it, which is not a real solution as we don’t have infinite money. Keep in mind a reform doesn’t mean we automatically turns into the US overnight. It might not even include any private component at all. But any reform that cuts waste will impact the various interest groups benefiting from the waste and inefficiencies in the current system and that seems to be what is article is defending against.