I’m still new to the game, and now, after playing exclusively with Volt, I find myself in a position where I can build Rhino, Nekros and Vauban.

I’ve heard the Rhino is good for survivability, but that hasn’t really been an issue so far, so that’s not a big seller for me.

Any tips or suggestions? I feel like it’s taken forever to get to the point where I could build a frame, so having to choose from 3 is mind boggling.

Nekros looks the coolest to me, so that’s how I’m leaning right now.

  • Rhino is a very powerful warframe, and can carry you through most content on the star chart essentially with just Roar and Iron Skin. Unfortunately, using Rhino as a new player tends to end up with using his abilities as a crutch and learning the actual systems of the game too late. I cautiously recommend Rhino.

    Vauban is a king of crowd control, but he’s an energy-hungry frame, and as a new player your most reliable source of energy will be the Eximus enemies that ignore your crowd control. I recommend Vauban later on.

    Nekros is kind of a one trick pony, but his trick is very good in a game where you farm drops. If your survivability isn’t a factor, I would recommend Nekros now.

    All 3 are fantastic frames, but can really begin to shine when you have access to more powerful, specific mods (Corrupted mods from the dragon key vaults on Deimos, Augment mods from the 6 syndicates) and systems later in the game (Helminth for swapping abilities, arcanes for bonus effects). Nekros’s survival issues, Vauban’s energy hunger, and Rhino’s harsh fall-off in very high level content can all be solved with setups that you won’t quite have yet.

  •  Kaldo   ( @Kaldo@dormi.zone ) 
    41 year ago

    Rhino is a safe bet due to his defensive and offensive abilities so usually people recommend him. If you want something more than just combat though, Nekros is good for resource farm and Vauban is a big CC (crowd control) beast that can pull in enemies and group them for easier killing or objective defense.

    You can’t really go wrong with any of them and sooner or later you’ll probably have them all, so I’d say just go with the one that appeals the most to you.

  •  Kayn   ( @HKayn@dormi.zone ) 
    41 year ago

    Honestly, while you’re new to the game, just pick up the frame that looks the coolest to you.

    At low levels (anything up to 30), all frames can run most if not all missions. Later on you’ll find that certain frames specialize in certain things, like Rhino for leveling new weapons quickly or Nekros for farming certain resources.

  •  Viridis   ( @viridis777@dormi.zone ) 
    41 year ago

    Volt himself is pretty good for clearing all the starter content, I would recommend Nekros for the farming utility.

    You might want to consider farming for a Volt Prime if you have a source of plat already

    •  gruvn   ( @gruvn@lemm.ee ) OP
      11 year ago

      Thanks! I appreciate the tip.
      I’ve watched some videos, and they just kept saying to get Rhino. Is he boring? Between him and Vauban, what would you get? I think I have 2 slots.

      • Most people at your level don’t know how to dodge and move well for survivability. The builds are also often half done.

        So they struggle with survivability and damage.

        Rhino in those 2 areas is great. Iron skin is making you invulnerable for an amount of damage received, and roar gets your a damage increase (it multiplies the damage you deal +100% means your normal damage once everything applies x2).

      • Rhino is really slow. But his damage buff is excellent. I personally like Vauban more but as other ppl said not very beginner friendly.

        Your top priority should be finishing the star chart und reach at least MR8-ish. A lot of good weapons are avaible then.

        Always max you weapons and frames, even if you don’t like them. use your platin exclusively for frame/weapon slots

        That would be my general advise for a beginner

        Edit: Must see for a new player ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VuYCLelIO8

  • Go for Revenant. Practically immortal disregard to enemy lvl, has crowd control and cool mobility. Scales incredibly well to late game. Best frame for endurance runs period. Can protect all team with mesmer shield augument. No need to get prime version as there is no difference. Relatively low invesment to achieve perfection.

  • Luckily most of the normal frames aren’t too hard get or to reaccuire. I’d recommend playing around with all of them as much as your inventory allows.

    However it’s always nice to keep a Tank and a Nuke om standby.

    Personally I used Harrow for everything for the longest time. He and thick mommy Hildryn carried my scrub ass through most of the Steel Path Star-chart.

    But then I discovered the Sith Lord of warframes… Mag. She’s an absolute powerhouse and therefor my current go-to for almost everything.