Israeli air force launches strike upon Hospital “Hamas Base” parking lot, with an R9X missile.

For context, the image is from Reuters with info about the missile. It references a different time that the US used it to kill a terrorist leader. The video below is a hospital parking lot in gaza.

  • How was Israeli intelligence so bad that they could be taken off guard so incredibly in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, yet suddenly so good that they would dare to conduct missile strikes in crowded areas like this? Really, it’s as bad as ever and they’re just serial killers who are happy to launch flying Saw traps at Palestinian civilians.

    • You don’t know that. You don’t know if the guy in the parking lot is a civilian or not. Also, there are many, many, other screams of people crying out in anguish. Generally, when I’m trying to not be a fucking monster, I don’t launch missiles or other weapons of war in crowded parking lots. But hey, that’s me and I actually have a functional fucking conscience.

      • Do you have access to actually launch missiles at things when you’re trying to be a monster?

        Because unless you do, it makes your point really silly. Most individuals don’t have an option to launch a missile to be a monster. But I know some people who absolutely would use one (or more) if they had access.

        People are monsters. Period. Nobody is perfect. And I’m sure you’ve justified some actions that are less than pure in your lifetime. Just because you don’t launch missiles at people doesn’t make it better.

        War sucks, civilians loose while the elite get more wealthy.

      • I have no clue what you are defending.

        Also that’s the silliest shit I’ve ever heard. A tamir interceptor is designed for the interception of rockets, artillery, and mortars. Just consider what the design of a rocket with such a task specific purpose would need to be designed to do. Think about how it would move, how it would sound, what the warhead is designed to do.

        Really think this through please. Because most people here in Lemmy thought the rocket that hit the hospital (which ended up actually being the parking lot) and killed those 900 people (which actually ended up being ~300) was a US JDAM.

        You actually believe that a low yield… Maybe 20lb NEW warhead designed for shrapnel dispersal fired at the sky and then malfunctioning and falling back to the ground… Would have the same devastation, velocity, and angle of attack as a missile people reasonably, but still mistakeningly thought was a 500lb NEW Air to Surface JDAM.

        You could literally just use your own eyes and go look for videos of what it looks like for the tamir to explode in the air and compare that to the massive incendiary fireball that came from the HAMAS rocket and you would immediately know how insane that theory is.

        And then I hope you walk away from that with just a little bit of skepticism and shame because you are guzzling the Kool aid bud.

        •  Pxtl   ( ) 
          211 months ago

          There’s an AJ video where they claimed what he describes. It’s… not convincing. In fact it retroactively destroys some of the respect I had for AJ.

          It tries to use the video from the local cameras to show that the rocket was intercepted.

          From the commentary “That video clearly shows how the iron dome intercepted these rockets”

          But the images it shows don’t really back up their claim. We’re not really seeing any “intercepted” happening.

      •  Pxtl   ( ) 
        611 months ago

        I watched the al Jazeera vid where they pushed that theory and it’s completely incoherent. I honestly lost a lot of respect for AJ there.