I’ve been playing Starfield since launch, and in the beginning I LOVED the game. It seemed like there was so much to explore and do, I felt absolutely overwhelmed.

The game I had been waiting for was here and it was SICK.

Until now.

After beating the game, doing NG+s and doing general role-play; this game is just empty.

Every planet: 98% the same

Every random location: 100% the same

Loot in containers: Always garbage

Unique weapons: N O N E

Crafting systems: basic yet, EXTREMELY CONVOLUTED

Weapon Upgrade: ??? HAHAHAHAHA

Flying: Okay, this is the best part of the game

Fast Traveling: L O A D I N G S C R E E N S

Vendors: Less credits than one gun sells for

It just feels like all this game exists of is 12 different guns, 12 different random locations, 12 different geological features, 12 different biomes, 12 different forms of weather and a SMALL handful of unique and hand build locations that, to top it off: EXISTS AMONGST HUNDREDS OF PLANETS.

I want to play the game. My mouse is hovering over it right now. But I can’t bring myself to click it.


  •  ahal   ( @ahal@lemmy.ca ) 
    11 months ago

    I mean if you’ve beaten the main line and faction quests, you’ve likely put in at least 80 hours. If you had fun, that’s pretty good value. Why does it need to be longer?

    I got bored after 30 hours, but had a good time. I’m not complaining. I’ll probably come back to it eventually.

    •  inanna   ( @inanna@lemm.ee ) 
      711 months ago

      The expectation if you played Beth’s other titles is massive longevity. 80 hours is good for the average game but modding gives Beth games legs into 100s of hours. If the base game is already boring, that’s a fail.

    •  Crikeste   ( @Crikeste@lemm.ee ) OP
      11 months ago

      I’m far far far more than 80 hours into the game and while I KNOW I had fun during those hours, I also feel like it gives me a bit of insight on the things that are broken/lacking/needing to be changed.

      I made this post simply to vent about things that frustrate me in a game I want to play many many more hours of, but keep finding it harder and harder to do so.

  •  Epicmulch   ( @Epicmulch@lemm.ee ) 
    511 months ago

    I’m around 200 hours and I’m running into the same thing. I really love the game but you can’t just go on random adventures like you could in other Bethesda games. I’m really waiting till survival mode. I really wish I needed to care about fuel or food or the atmosphere of the planet or something. But as of now I can teleport to anywhere with basically zero resistance playing on the hardest difficulty still the game is very very easy. I thought the main missions were some of Bethesda’s best ever. But man just playing the game there aren’t those little random adventures you could go on like other Bethesda games. I’m sure once the mod tools release and we get a dlc I’ll come back but as for now there isn’t much reason to return.

    •  Crikeste   ( @Crikeste@lemm.ee ) OP
      11 months ago

      The little adventures.

      This is something that I think the games needs most, but will probably never get by the hands of Bethesda. The reason those were so good was because people had to craft them. Think about “what insidious things may have happened in this cavern just off the road north of Falkreath”.

      That CANT exist in Starfield because NOTHING exists in Starfield.

      And it makes me sad.

      I guess it COULD, but it would all have to be done in cities. Exactly like it is the game.

  • Let’s not even talk about the inconsistencies (and sometimes flat out bugs) while exploring. 0% oxygen and a settler appears without a suit. -18 and I get frostbite. -150 and I’m ok with the same suit. And what about sonic boom from a ship landing near me when there’s no atmosphere? (I get, a game without sound in space is just bad immersion, but still, feels strange) Speaking of landing ships, why the hell do they land near me all the time? Are they following me?

    •  rgb3x3   ( @rgb3x3@beehaw.org ) 
      611 months ago

      I often had to deal with ships landing kinda far away, so I’d start running to get to them, but they’d fly away within 30 seconds and before I could get to them.

      What’s the point of having them at all if they’re going to land for like 20 seconds then fly away?

  • I’ve played around 90 hours of the game. I’ve done all the big quest lines except for the companion ones. I will stop playing it for now. Maybe, some time in the future if more content is added I will play it again. I might do the pirate quest one more time to see the opposite outcome. But content wise this is more or less it. If I hadn’t repeated some of the quests I would have spent much less time to complete all the above.

    I didn’t want to grind out multiple NG+ to get a better suit. Not worth it at this point.

  • I just finished my second playthrough today.

    First time around I (eventually) followed the main quest and reached NG+, but lost interest in continuing after that.

    Second time around I did a manual Alternative Start and - as soon as the game let me - I hightailed it to Neon, dumped all my loot except a pistol, and started a more RP-focused game as a Neon Street Rat. Today my street rat finished the UC SysDef / Crimson fleet missions at level 65, he has an insane fully turreted ship that shreds everything, half a million credits, Revenant and Keelhauler, and he’s pretty much at the top of the world.

    So I’m thinking I’ll take a break (unless I come back in to do some interesting ship design (the ship with the turrets is pretty ugly)) until mods come out for Xbox.

    I’ve had a lot of fun, but the one thing that bothers me about the game is how bland the lore is. Both Fallout and Elder Scrolls have personality, whereas Starfield just feels like vanilla SF.

    •  Crikeste   ( @Crikeste@lemm.ee ) OP
      211 months ago

      I kinda did things weird.

      At first when I heard about The Unity, I decided I’d never go through it because I was invested in the universe I was in.

      Then I had the thought: What does any of this matter if I never ACTUALLY get to the end? So I decided I’d do it… 10 times until I have all abilities maxed out.

      Only then could I ACTUALLY start playing.

      And I’ve played more in my NG+10 universe than the vanilla one. But it was just started feeling so hollow and I hate it.

      I played hundreds of hours of Fallout 4 and can still load it up to reexperience the fun I had in finding weird locations, locations I’ve been to at least 10 times.

      I can’t do that in Starfield because EVERY location is the same.

    •  Crikeste   ( @Crikeste@lemm.ee ) OP
      311 months ago

      I have thought about it! But to be honest, I’ve tried to get into 76 4 different times now and just haven’t been able to do it.

      I know Fallout is supposed to be a game about survival, but practically having hard mode on at all times is a turn off for me in a serious where I appreciate the deep stories rather than the combat.

      •  pacoboyd   ( @pacoboyd@lemm.ee ) 
        11 months ago

        There is no survival / hard mode, that was removed few years back.

        It’s actually kinda funny, Starfield has given Fallout 76 a player base boost. Lots of new players showing up saying they came from Starfield to get their Bethesda fix because they were disappointed like you. And in my opinion, the world is one of the best they have done.

        The lack of quests was only a launch issue. They have had 5 years of expansions, NPCs, and added quests now.

      •  pacoboyd   ( @pacoboyd@lemm.ee ) 
        111 months ago

        Sures, completely different settings, but if your looking for a Bethesda fix it does the trick, IMHO, better than Starfield does. Didn’t have a great first year or so, but it had 5 years of active updates under its belt now, they have removed most of the stuff that players didn’t want and added in the stuff they do.

        •  Epicmulch   ( @Epicmulch@lemm.ee ) 
          11 months ago

          I’m someone who started playing 76 from the beta. I disagree with you. I think 76 is now an endless pinata. All they mostly add are stuff to unlock and events every once in a while then they repeat them a million times a year. I wanted more missions and I really wish they would bring back survival mode but make it better balance the pvp make base building work so you actually need to defend your base it would even be cool if you could steal from other players once you cracked open their base it something. I really don’t care very much for the endless seasons they decided to go with.

          •  pacoboyd   ( @pacoboyd@lemm.ee ) 
            111 months ago

            Not looking to pick a fight, but it doesn’t sound like your the target audience any more. PvP has been pretty much removed from the game because of the low engagement. Some of the in-world mechanics exist, but the majority of players don’t partake. What people really wanted when it came out was fallout 4 with buddies, which it pretty much is now. PvP is never gonna be good in the creation engine, too buggy and full of exploints, it’s meant for open world story building and it should stick with that.

            •  Epicmulch   ( @Epicmulch@lemm.ee ) 
              111 months ago

              Imo the reason pvp got so little attention is because of how poorly it was implemented. They could do it right and I bet it would be a lot more popular. But you’re probably right about me not being their target audience anymore.

    •  Crikeste   ( @Crikeste@lemm.ee ) OP
      11 months ago

      I think I’m at around 17-ish days….

      I know I’ve got my value, I just wanted to place to write down my thoughts.

      I come from other Bethesda games like Fallout and Skyrim. thought this would be more like them; it isn’t.

    •  Crikeste   ( @Crikeste@lemm.ee ) OP
      211 months ago

      This is honestly what inspired me to write all this.

      I was building a base that was SICK! Had a landing pad on a mountain top with satellites and stuff, then I thought: Why am I even doing this?

      This planet means nothing.

      These resources mean nothing.

      Everything I harvest will fill up in some container SOMEWHERE that will eventually be full and then…


      TO A VENDOR WITH $5000

      It’s all so pointless.