Since it’s been about a month since the last post, it’s time for another one!

“What’s in your homelab?” (July 2023)!

This could be anything from hardware to software to things your running in the cloud (#cloudlab).

Hardware and diagram pics are always welcome!

  • My lab hasn’t changed very much in the last month, just moved my Mastodon instance into the on-prem Kubernetes cluster.

    Hardware wise, any ideas what I could do with an old X8 SuperMicro 36-bay storage server? I haven’t used it in a number of years due to it’s age, the IPMI not working well, and the physical power buttons being destroyed when I got it shipped. It also uses a bunch of power.

    I also have a tray of ~16 old NUCs from an eBay purchase a few years ago. I don’t think they have remote management, and as such are a bit of a pain to work on. I’d consider adding them as workers for my Kube cluster, but haven’t been able to figure out netboot :/

  • It’s semi stabilized:

    4 Dell optiplex 5060s with Intel i5-8500 and 64 gb of ram. Each has 3 800GB sata ssds, with 2 1TB nvme drives; and a dual 10gb sfp nic.

    That runs VMware vSphere with vSAN from VMUG. That runs AD, windows Admin center, puppet and some Linux VMs I have, mostly Rocky 8 but want to move to 9.

    I also have one stand alone optiplex 5050 micro that is a AD controller. This is for cold starting the environment and needing DNS and AD up.

  • A raspberry with Adguard + unbound, a zimaboard with truenas scale running the -arr suite, nextcloud, homeassistan, homarr, headscale and caddy 2x2TB nvme and 3x 4tb HDD I recently got a new PC and I think I will convert it to being part of the homelab, it has a ryzen 7 3xxx and a 2070 super.