“Five kids in the pediatric [Shifa Hospital] ICU left alone in Rantisi Hospital, and we don’t know what’s going on with them. The communications were lost, so they might be dead or alive,” one of the doctors said.

"So, now in Shifa Hospital, they cannot deal with the dead bodies. There is a tent of dead bodies back in the hospital.”

    •  Devi   ( @Devi@beehaw.org ) 
      1110 months ago

      Even if they were, even if each individual person in Gaza was personally responsible for 9/11, this wouldn’t be allowed. The Geneva convention does not allow this treatment.

        •  ɔiƚoxɘup   ( @Quexotic@beehaw.org ) 
          10 months ago

          Israel is clearly a bad actor here. Both sides committed war crimes and this is a generational hatred on both sides. Hatred exists on both sides too. I’m not a fan of either side because I’m not a fan of generational hatred.

          At the same time, being able to hold to opinions at once, I believe that Israel has been allowed to run roughshod over the Palestinian people and that imbalance of power is injustice beyond what I personally can imagine.

          That said, the US should’ve stopped Israel. That’s bullshit. Apparently the US government can’t find money for education, roads, or health care but there’s no problem killing Palestinian kids.

          Really lays bare the priorities. It’s disgusting, appaling… Actually, no I don’t have words for but it is.

    • The US uses Israel for regional destabilization. A unified Arab world (proposed by Nasser, Gaddafi, among others) would be a threat to US hegemony and the petrodollar. Most importantly, this would harm the US’ ability to print obscene amounts of money in a crisis with minimal effect on domestic prices.

  •  BitOneZero   ( @BitOneZero@beehaw.org ) 
    210 months ago

    “Je ne vois pas dans la religion le mystère de l’Incarnation mais le mystère de l’Ordre Social. La religion rattache au ciel une idée d’égalité qui empêche le riche d’être massacré par le pauvre.” (Napoléon Bonaparte / 1769-1821 / au Conseil d’Etat, le 4 mars 1806)