• I’m totally cool with polyamory and its variants, but this infographic definitely paints monoamory as a lesser choice which is cringe (it also says “idealized monoamory” instead of just monoamory which I don’t get).

    Don’t judge other’s choices, doesn’t matter if their choice is polyamory or monoamory.

      • I don’t see how any of that is objective aside from it being the most commonly accepted, or “pushed” in your words.

        A successful two person relationship requires a significant amount of compromise and sacrifice. How does having more partners lessen that?

        • it doesnt but you dont have to worry about monogamy-only rules like dont do this and dont do that, which is exclusive to monogamy. which makes it objectively worse since you dont have to worry about that in other relationships.

          • it doesnt but you dont have to worry about monogamy-only rules like dont do this and dont do that, which is exclusive to monogamy. which makes it objectively worse since you dont have to worry about that in other relationships.

            All of the others - short of anarchy - also have their rules. For example, polyfidelity is nearly identical to monoamory except you now have to consider the dos and don’ts of both of your partners making it objectively more complicated than monoamory.

  • You know I love and support people who live life their own way. However, every single poly person I have ever met has been so incredibly elitist about being poly it puts a bad taste in my mouth.

    It is so silly to act like your subjective opinion about what works best for you is objectively better and people who live differently have chose an “inferior” lifestyle.

    What if we just dropped the arrogance and let people live their lives the way they wanted to without judgement? Every poly community I’ve interacted with seems like that scene from South Park of people sniffing their own farts out of a wine glass.