• This is a year before the next presidential election. It’s important to be critical of lesser evils, to force them to work for you. Specifically, this week at APEC, Biden will likely make economic decisions that could cause decades of damage, exploiting oil and labor reserves in Asian countries. Now is the time to call him out and the system as a whole.

      • The campaign for US President started in earnest 4 months ago. This ad implies that his opponent- the Republican nominee to be named later - is a far more environmentally sound choice. We don’t have ranked choice so there are no other viable candidates. Voting off ticket (for either side) is a 1/2 vote for the candidate you like less.

        This is like telling your parents you hate apples, hoping to get chocolate cake, when the only two things you’ll be offered for dessert are apples and Brussels sprouts.

  • “Free trade” is too costly. It extracts fossil fuels and ships it overseas. Union jobs go the other direction, draining into sweatshops. US citizens, tell Biden no exploitation of Asian land and labor. #