• Did some Unity for fun, then for work (mostly VR kinda stuff, not coding). Got even more into FOSS a few years ago, started doing personal projects with open source software, slowly (secretly 😸) doing it for money work as well (mostly graphic design so it’s not easy 🙄).

    It was clear to me that Unity is going to the dogs when they incorporated malware and gutted the team that was doing an example game project internally years back, doing my first steps in Godot now.

    Actually haven’t checked but I don’t think there are many setups for Fulldome/VR/AR in Godot?

  • I had a game idea that requires the use of various C++ libraries and is 2D, did some quick comparisons after some searching, and Godot seemed like a perfect fit. I just compile the libraries in with Godot, write a bunch of the internal logic directly into the engine and script it using GDScript, and it’s been great for my needs so far. The licensing is the cherry on top, but definitely had an influence in my decision making as well.