• I say that because:

        • Eating plants directly is always going to be more efficient than eating lab grown meat which was fed on plants (because there are going to be waste products).
        • Eating plants directly is also healthier. Cancers, heart attacks, blood pressure issues… some very common health issues partly stem from humans in industrialized nations eating way too many animal products. Lab grown meat won’t magically be healthier.
        • There’s still a chance that lab-grown meat doesn’t pan out because it’s hard to scale up.
        • Lab grown meat is going to be high-tech for a while. This gives a lot of power to a few select companies. Lab-meat shoppers are going to be dependent on a few startups and eventually a few multinationals which have bought up the startups.
        • This also means prices are going to be dictated by this oligopoly of companies, most of which need to serve investors. Often that’s going to be tech investors who expect a lot of growth leading to a lot of profit.
  • Inb4 crazy vegan but id like to remind you all that the Animal Agriculture industry is one of the most environmentally destructive forces on the planet (cattle farming is the number one cause of deforestation)

    The animal ag industry spends billions and billions lobbying for shit like this. Theyre just as evil as the oil companies. But they get a free pass because people like the product they make.

  • We need any help we can get to net zero carbon emissions, and lab-grown meat is one of the many things that moves the needle in the right direction. Not everybody is going to ride a bicycle and switch to a vegan diet, so the more low-carbon alternatives we make available, the better.

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    “Italy is the world’s first country safe from the social and economic risks of synthetic food,” said Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida.

    The head of the big Coldiretti farmers’ organisation, Ettore Prandini, at one point confronted two MPs from the opposition More Europe party, calling them “criminals” for opposing the ban on lab-grown meat with placards that condemned it as “anti-scientific and anti-Italian”.

    Centrist colleagues called on the farmers’ lobby to apologise and the president of the lower house of parliament, Lorenzo Fontana, said that “differences of opinion should never descend into forms of violence”.

    He praised MPs for backing the new law, which came in response to a petition organised by the Coldiretti lobby group.

    Critics point out there is nothing synthetic about lab-grown meat, as it is created by growing natural cells without genetic modification.

    The law is also a blow for animal welfare groups, who have highlighted lab-made meat as a solution towards protecting the environment from carbon emissions.

    The original article contains 543 words, the summary contains 161 words. Saved 70%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!