• This is more accurate than the take about growth being more important than climate change. Honestly there are many companies which are dedicated to change, and would lobby to make this also profitable, because dealing with climate change is a strategic thing. Same way as building a platform which loses money for several years is strategic.

      Jeff Bezos though? He does not care at all.

  •  Sonori   ( @sonori@beehaw.org ) 
    7 months ago

    No. But, but, but Amazon was always such an honest and fair employer which never got into any major scandals or lawsuits over illegal business practices. How could they have lied about something . /s

    • Ever read about the pregnant women suing amazon? They had Co workers die on the floor and orange congress got put around the deceased and they were told to keep working

  • Growth has always been the biggest stopper for reducing environmental impact. Unfortunately there are a lot of countries which still want/need to grow their economy in order to have similar living standards as in Europe or North America. What Amazon demonstrated here is that it is possible to do this growth (9%) without increasing the carbon footprint (-0.4%). This unfortunately is not what everyone wants to read (including myself), but it is bitter truth of our global economy. (I know that this is a oversimplification and our planet does not care)

    What’s debatable is that they don’t count the environmental impact of other companies products and their clients. I would argue it is more sensible to criticize these companies directly and may be let Amazon force them to publish the environmental impact on the product page. Of course if Amazon would care more about the environment than their bottom line they would act differently, but I don’t believe that…

    Whats the worst is that they are destroying perfectly fine products. This is unacceptable and should be forbidden by law. Additionally they should get sued by the government for doing this thinking it was okay.