Hello, apparently hanging out in Lemmy inadvertently makes you thinking about using Linux. I am planning to install Linux Mint cinnamon on an older laptop, which I want to bring to LAN Parties. From what I read I can just format my C:\ windows disk, install Linux via bootable drive and from what I understand, proton is basically included when installing steam after setting up my new Linux OS? Thanks for your comments:)

    • On C I only have my windows OS , data is on D. I think that should be enough precaution? If course I backed up everything but I don’t plan on backup everything again. Or do you think it could “leech”?

      • If “D” is physically on the same hard drive, then you’ll probably want to back it up before installing. Technically, you can manage to do it without screwing everything up, but I would not trust myself to. It’s always a good idea to have backups anyway.

        Also, user files typically reside on C by default and it takes some effort to put them on a different drive. Things like Downloads, Documents, Pictures, etc. so it’s worth checking that before wiping as well.

        Additionally, you’ll probably want to format your “D” drive to a Linux native filesystem (eventually, after you back it up, because formatting results in data loss). While Linux does support NTFS quite well, it’s not perfect, and your data would probably be safer on ext4 or f2fs (depending on if you have HDDs or SSDs) (or zfs or btrfs is you’re into COW filesystems).

        In Linux, you have all of your files mounted to a single “drive” called /. Everything is below /, which is called the “root” of your filesystem.

        Typically, user data is stored in “/home” and this resides in the same directory structure as the rest of your OS, but on most systems it’s on a different filesystem or even on a different drive entirely. This is because in Linux it is routine to put a “D” drive just in a folder. On my computer, I have several of these mount points defined, so the different types of data don’t get mixed around, and I don’t have to worry about downloading too much bullshit affecting my computer’s updates.

        Hope this helps.

      •  jwt   ( @jwt@programming.dev ) 
        10 months ago

        @OmnipotentEntity makes a good point. Most (and definitely older) laptops have 1 drive. Which would mean your C and D ‘drives’ are actually 2 partitions on 1 physical hard drive. This is fine, but you need to be extra cautious when installing Linux. Many linux installers push you to the easiest choice and select ‘wipe whole disk and install linux’, which in your case would possibly lead to inadvertently wiping the D partition too.

        You might want to pay extra attention to this during the installation, when selecting which disk to use for installation. Make sure you only let the installer delete the C partition (which will probably not be named as such, so be ready to find another way to identify the correct partition (maybe by its size?)), and let the installer use the free space that gives to create linux partitions it needs there (next to the D partition).

        NB: Still in Windows, you may also want to check whether or not your D drive is encrypted with Bitlocker, as that is a Windows-type encryption and cant be unlocked without a recovery key (aside from it not being practical to use Bitlocker encryption in combination with linux (or NTFS for that sake, as OmnipotentEntity also already mentioned)). If so, you might want to decrypt the D partition so you can still access it from Linux (while it is of course better to have encryption enabled, it may be a temporary convenience).

        Edit: Solid choice of Linux Mint btw. It’s been a while since I’ve used it, but in my memory (also as a starting Linux user) it made the right things easy. If your laptop is quite old, and Cinnamon (also solid) doesn’t feel quite snappy enough, you could give XFCE a try. It’s less polished (some say ugly 😆) out-of-the-box, but also less resource hungry (Cinnamon and XFCE are both Desktop Environments (DE’s). On Linux you can have multiple DE’s installed side-by-side; and then make a choice which DE you want to use when you login)

  • Yes, you flash the installation system onto the USB stick, boot the laptop from this USB and then it should be a simple graphical installation wizard. There are plenty of tutorials online and even if all computers can be slightly different it is basically the same scheme.

    Once Steam is installed Proton is automatically downloaded for games that by default use it. Games that are not officially using Proton can have it enabled in Steam’s game properties. Most would point you to https://protondb.com, site showing what games you can suspect to work.

  • You don’t need to worry about formatting. The installer can do that for you as part of the process. Just make sure you merge all of the existing Windows partitions into one, then let the installer partition as needed. I’m not 100% sure about the Steam question, but I think I remember reading somewhere that this is the case.

    Keep in mind, Linux isn’t magic. If the hardware sucks, the hardware sucks. Games can take a lot of resources. Just make sure your old LAN party laptop can handle the games you want to play on it.

    Side note: Mint Cinnamon is a perfect choice for a starter distro.

      • That’s a good MO to have. I was talking about the partitions that Windows does on its own, depending on the version, of course, and the ones that the manufacturer does. For example, Lenovo has a recovery partition with a (supposedly) untouched installer for the Lenovo bloatwared OOTB Windows installation. Since you never plan on using that laptop for that version of windows again, you can just merge all partitions on that drive, and let the Mint installer use the whole drive for its purpose.

  • Oh and one additional question, is it recommended to uninstall all programs I had under Windows, so I won’t have to deal with "ghost files "? As to use windows helping me remove installation data? I have my laptop partitioned into C and D, where in D I have all my documents plus installed programs, C is solely for the OS.

    • Assuming I’m understanding you correctly (I think I am: “ghost files” would be files of the old filesystem read and kept by the new one?) No, that’s unnecessary unless you have data you specifically want unrecoverable, in which case you’ll want a ‘file shredder’ or srm type tool to handle that. Other than that you’ll probably not be using any filesystem format Windows offers, so it also won’t be recognizing any Windows files even if such a thing would otherwise be possible.

      As for your main post, you seem to have the right idea. Steam recognizes that Windows games won’t run natively on a Linux system and will either “automatically run with a compatibility tool (Steam Play)” (or something like that) or refuse to launch/install the thing until you configure it to run everything non-native with Proton by default (which is a checkbox in the normal settings menu, not anything weird or buried).

      …Also sometimes it just launches Wine? At least for me? That’s kinda weird, honestly, but I set up my systems in weird ways so that may just be a me problem 😅

      Simply put: I think you’ll be fine just not worrying about anything and going directly to your “boot from install/live media” step and not worrying about anything else unless there’s a problem… at which point you come yell at us and we help you fix it ;P

  • I don’t know whether I have gotten some settings wrong in Steam, but I have to open the Properties window of every freshly installed game, and set it to launch using Proton GE, otherwise it just defaults to nothing. So if a game doesn’t work for you, always check if it is configured to launch using at least some kind of Proton thingy.