hello :))

I have problems with the WiFi adapter on my new pc, and in order to troubleshoot I need to use some utils that are not on already on the computer.

is it possible to just copy the binaries from a computer with internet connection onto a usb drive and move them over that way ?

And in that case, how do I make sure to also copy all the dependencies ?

or is there a smarter way do to it all together ? 😅

I hope this is the right community for this question :)) I couldn’t find any community specifically for Linux tech support.

  • When I had no (useful) Internet where I was living a few years ago I would save a list of packages to download from Synaptic to a drive and then when I was somewhere I could I would download them, then when I got home I could plug in the drive and update/install them.

  • In general, no. Better way is to download packages with that tools from your distro repository, transfer them via flash key and install. You also have to download dependencies, but CLI tools usually have few of them and there are good chances they are already installed.

  • Depends on the tools. If they’re statically compiled, it should be fine. If they aren’t, it might still be fine if the distro and versions are similar. But what you want is statically compiled binaries.

    It’ll need to be the same architecture (ARM -> ARM good, AMD -> ARM bad), and check each tool on your working computer with ldd; the fewer lib dependencies, the better.

    Scripting languages are probably not worth messing with. Even if you have a running interpreter on the broken machine, scripting languages tend to lean heavily on third party libs, which may not be installed. The exception are ba/sh scripts, which have a good chance of using only commonly installed commands (why else use bash?).