Alberta Premier Danielle Smith confirmed the her plan to invoke the Sovereignty Act on Your Province Your Premier on Saturday.

  • Smith said the province tried to work collaboratively with the federal government to make the province’s electricity grid net zero by 2050

    “The feds didn’t capitulate to our demands so we’re taking the province of Alberta hostage”

    “We will not put our operators at risk of going to jail if they do not achieve the unachievable,”

    It’s unachievable, Danielle, because your ignorant ass put a moratorium on renewable energy projects. And why does she feel the need to feign sympathy for the dinosaurs at the top whose refusal to act is the reason we’re here in the first place? If they can’t conduct business in accordance with the law, they can gtfo of the way and make room for those who can.

    “…he’s a maverick. He doesn’t seem to care about the law, doesn’t care about the Constitution. I do.”

    Says the person who personally donated $60k to a seditious organization.

    As far as I’m concerned, these excuses are nothing but selfish and asinine. They only serve to vindicate and encourage the bad behaviour of those who ought to be taking responsibility. How exactly “It’s too expensive” is a serious take when we all just spent 4 consecutive months living inside a cloud of wildfire smoke is beyond me. Fuck off.

  • Alberta is about to create a federal constitutional challenge, and find out that they are, despite the conservatives’ collective pipe dream, part of Canada.

    I can already hear the chorus of “this is a gross overreach of federal power” and “Trudeau is a dictator” whines coming from the usual culprits. And the base gets riled up even further…

    It’s starting to become ever more tempting to, at some point, actually give them that freedom they so desperately want and defederate Alberta from Canada. I give them about as long as California was actually independent for before they come begging to be let back in, after they come to the realization that they are a land-locked nation that depends on its neighbors and existing trade relationships and agreements to sell any of their precious oil to the world.

    Be careful what you wish for wild roses, you just might get it.

    • separation would require a referendum, which would have 0% chance of passing. nobody wants this, beside some whackos. this is all posturing by the UCP, both to their base and to the federal government.

      • I know seperation is not popular enough to actually make it happen, but what I don;t understand is why this point gets brought up so much by the UCP if it isn’t popular enough to actually happen. If a politician/party is constantly harping about something I don’t actually support, why would I vote for them? It makes no sense.