What caused you to get into it, are you an evangel and are you obsessed?

  •  Fizz   ( @Fizz@lemmy.nz ) 
    267 months ago

    I was on windows and I was forced to update and then it bricked my computer and I had to reinstall windows except when I did it asked me for a windows license key. I tried everything to recover my license key but wasn’t able to.

    This was around the time linus texh tips was teasing his upcoming month on linux series so I was like fuck it I’ll give it a go. Spent a week on mint and wifi was broken then tried Endeavor, Garuda and fedora and settled on manjaro. Manjaro was amazing to me. Everything worked out of the box and kde plasma looked so clean and I could set it up exactly how I wanted.

    Then I watched linus tech tips video on linux and I was like wtf how did he have such a bad experience is he dumb?

  • Windows kept doing things I didn’t want it to.

    The last straw was when I had a 24 hours render running, and Windows decided to update and reboot 1 hour before it was done. I was using the computer at the time, RAM, CPU, and GPU were all at max, the mouse was being moved, I clicked “later” every time the update pop-up appeared, and it still rebooted.

    Linux does what I tell it to, and doesn’t do what I tell it not to do. I didn’t think that was a big ask until Windows.

  • Windows Telemetry at first. Then Windows browbeating various products - “Edge please download Firefox” - Edge: “Why, I am better than Firefox” Me:“Do as I say” Edge: “But -blah blah nah” and so on. I know there are ways around it, but if someone can force an update against my will on my machine, it is not my machine. This leads to questions of what else can they do without my permission. Linux is my machine. I control when and how and what. Also customization.

  • Microsoft anti-consumer shitfuckery. I’ve never had any problems with Windows on a technical level. It has its share of annoyances, but so does Linux. But the ever increasing drive to take away control from the user in order to squeeze out the last penny of revenue just got too much.

  • Back in the 90s when I was in uni, it was the only way to have a unix-like development environment for C/C++. I also spent an inordinate amount of time testing linux on exotic hardware, like 386 laptops or older Macs. There weren’t many distros back then, but I tried them all: Debian, Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE, m86kLinux and even (shudder) Slackware.

    It was (and still is) an extremely fun way to tinker around. But I have to say, I’m not complaining that pretty much everything works out of the box nowadays!

    Most people want to stick to Windows or MacOS, and that’s fine for them if they want to put up with it. Pushing Linux or OSS in general is counter productive IMO and just puts people on the defensive. I’d rather plant a seed here and there. If someone complains about Windows on a kid’s laptop, then hey, I got an old laptop for my daughter and put Fedora on it. It was easy to install and maintain, unobstrusive and she can get everything done for school she needs. Or talking about gaming - you know the Steam Deck? You can game without Windows - Linux is a painless, drop-in replacement!

    It pains me that a lot of Linux users were pushy elitist neckbeards that spent so much energy defending their distro of choice and Linux in general. The community tends to make Linux appear like some difficult, arcane way of using a computer. “First you must pass the initiation rite and choose the correct distro!” Seriously, fuck that mindset. Just download whatever, install it and enjoy hassle-free computing!

  • Windows 10. I was happy with Windows 7, got prompted to ‘upgrade’ to Windows 10… I declined. Next morning, my PC had Windows 10 installed. I got this crazy idea that my PC belonged to me and that I would be the one to decide what OS to use. Hello Linux Mint.

    • This so much. It’s like, you’d think when you shell out cash to pay for a license (or well, I did anyways. But tbf, most PCs you buy come with a valid license), you’d at least be entitled to do as you will with your copy of the OS (within reason, i mean. Yeah, less than legal stuff, go off Microsoft, but stuff like settings and such?) But, well…Microsoft just loves telling you “you opted out, but what you REALLY meant was to opt in. Source: because we say so” with basic settings, not surprising the do it for an OS…of course they would. My bud said it best at the time: they don’t care how you gain it, they just want everone to be on Windows 10

  • Hated Windows. TechTV had a download of day that “works on both Windows and Linux!”

    “I don’t know what Linux is but it can’t be worse that Windows.”

    I’ve been on it ever since. That was 20+ years ago.

    I honestly don’t know how windows works… I only ever used it for about a year and some change when I was a teenager in the 90s.

  • Just windows, I had windows 10 installed on my laptop and was constantly fighting with windows update so when the system broke (wouldn’t boot) I finally installed Ubuntu. These days I use arch BTW.