An unrepentant globalist who supports universal human rights and multilateral institutions.
I have to ask: did you read the article? It is clearly a call for the flattening of classes and more rights for all.
There is another use of that term, but a hyphen would have helped.
Dick Proeneke was amazing.
Well, that’s just… like… your opinion, man.
Good, but I won’t sleep easily until the crypto-MAGAist Pierre Poilievre is on the ash heap of history.
He and Musk will Make Pollution Great Again.
Of course Canada needs to leave. Do Canadian politicians think the US will supply it with parts as it invades?
Buy some Gripen and/or Eurofighters and join GCAP.
The answer is they were a wealthy European concept brought to the colonies as a status symbol. They are still associated with wealthier people which raises property values, so are enshrined in local ordinances and HOA rules.
It looks fantastic.