Yeah it is a little strange. I think the post is giving meta the benefit of the doubt which it doesn’t really deserve, but is the best way to attract more mainstream audiences.
Yeah it is a little strange. I think the post is giving meta the benefit of the doubt which it doesn’t really deserve, but is the best way to attract more mainstream audiences.
I like this idea, but I’ve also sat in hour long meetings where requirements are discussed. AI currently tends to misunderstand some things but still give understandable output, so I think there’s a risk of having a really nice looking set of acceptance criteria that delivers the wrong product.
I loved his books, one of the few celebrity deaths I still think about.
Yeah I’ve really enjoyed it too. Cliffhangers every episode
But have you read that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself
Yep, really I just like that it’s easy to read if you’re interested in lurking. Participating takes a bit more effort, which it should.
My next build will probably be Linux. Going to try out booting from an external drive.
I think there’s active misinformation being shared about the difficulty of use for fediverse playforms. Yeah it’s 20 clicks instead of 5 but it’s not that hard.
When you thought it was the nightly build environment 😮💨
Wait, really? Source?
It’s not always the accounting profit. The ones that control the purse strings can expense improvements, meals, airline tickets, and all kinds of pork barrel until they’re “breaking even”
I’ve never used gyfcat. Did it in any way compete with snap or provide a subset of services that snap could provide?
Acquisitions are always advertised for “synergies” but the real reason is almost always quashing competition
I agree, rent seeking doesn’t always cause enshittification, it can just be inflated prices. Rent seeking is also a process to try to create a “home” for your financial leeching, while Enshittification is more like bait users in with a product, entice businesses, screw over everyone and cash out.
This guy should be in prison but is instead telling the people of America they can’t get health treatment. What an absolute farce.