No, I’m only into women. Potentially some enbies, but mostly women.
Jestem Kaja She/her
No, I’m only into women. Potentially some enbies, but mostly women.
Alright, I am officially done talking to you. Please don’t try and contact me again on another account.
Glad I could clear that up for you 🙂
Why do you think I care lmfao
I called you transphobic because you made a transphobic post and you got really defensive over it. It’s not that deep.
No I did read your post and replied in good faith. I’m sorry you didn’t like my response but I remain firm in my position that your argument doesn’t do enough work to distance itself from the clear transphobic origins of egg prime directive beliefs. People disagreeing with you isn’t bad faith.
My problem with defences of the “egg prime directive” is that it’s blatantly transphobic, and frames cisness as an inherently natural correct state while transness is something only a select few do. Encouraging someone to question their gender isn’t the same as denying them their gender identity, you can at the same time identify ways that someone seems to be having a similar experience as many trans people do before coming out while totally accepting that they are what they are right now.
I’ll be honest, it feels like a rebranding of the old homophobic defense of homosexuality, that it’s a small percentage of the population that suffers from this condition, so we should be nice to that select few, but oh no don’t you go implying morally upstanding people like me or my child could be one of those people.
It didn’t have a cutesy name associated with it, but it’s similar to why “born this way” was criticized when that framing was used for gay existence and why it played into a conservative framing of queerness: it’s a thing the degenerates do over there, but if they try to come into polite society and try to do things like talk to kids about being gay, it’s not because they’re trying to reach out to gay kids who might be in unsupportive environments where being gay is never presented to them as a thing they might apply to them, it’s because they’re sickos who are trying to groom kids into becoming like them.
In a time when countries are trying to make trans people legally not exist and forbid people from even being able to talk about them, I could not imagine a worse time to stop talking to people about transness and that people who don’t identify as trans might be trans. Our enemies will definitely happily tell anyone experiencing dissatisfaction with their AGAB that they’re definitely not trans just shy/not (wo)manly enough/needing conversion therapy/etc, so why let them control the conversation about who can or can’t be trans?
The doge.gov website that was spun up to track Elon Musk’s cuts to the federal government is insecure and pulls from a database that can be edited by anyone, according to two separate people who found the vulnerability and shared it with 404 Media
Wow, really wild how the guy that doesn’t know what SQL is, is somehow also bad at database permissioning.
I think the point of bringing up trans men is that sometimes people say that calling cis people eggs is harmless because you’re at worst making someone in the supermajority briefly uncomfortable, and potentially helping someone who’s trans figure themselves out. The point of bringing up trans men in this image is to point out that this argument misses how this attitude still ends up hurting trans people.
Even if I’m right about the intent though, I agree it doesn’t come through that well, and I’m still feeling like this guess is a stab in the dark.
A move that has been months in the making but only now is getting announced? Has it been announced previously and I missed it or something? I get the motivation for the move, but this feels like the kind of decision that the users of the 196 should have gotten more of a chance to at least give feedback on what other instance 196 should be migrating to.
Does anyone know of any futanari games where the LGBT agenda is forced down my throat? Asking for myself
I understand the post but the linked explanation makes 0 sense. What does that post have to do with this one?
The overall article is fine, but I really don’t agree with its understanding of binary as an identity unto itself, and the article assumes too much that the way nonbinary people relate to being nonbinary is perfectly mirrored in how binary people understand binary identity. Binary isn’t an identity I’ve ever seen anyone identify as as an actual identity, it’s just the state of not needing more than one word to explain your gender identity. And especially for gay binary people, people of the other binary gender don’t really have anything to do with their identity or experience of gender, romance, sexuality, etc any more or less than nonbinary swarm gender people do.
Abysmal take, poutine is delicious
“Under 30”? I’m 32 and I read Ctrl Alt Del in my sophomore year of high school. I was probably on the younger end of people reading it at the time it came out.
I swear the Internet is trying to make me feel ancient 💀
Fucking garbage tier party, will stick up for literally nobody, only procedural norms. They won’t fight for trans, abortion, migrants, or any other rights, and God forbid you ask them to at least not vote for their opponent’s department nominations, that’d make things so awkward in Congress!
Fucking useless “opposition”