Before the internet insane people were left to paint with chalk on the streets… And now this.
If you were to say what you just did in Poland on the street, you’d get lynched.
Before the internet insane people were left to paint with chalk on the streets… And now this.
If you were to say what you just did in Poland on the street, you’d get lynched.
My history knowledge focus was on how Churchill stabbed Poland in the back and sold it to USSR, so I was surprised to hear Poland has been shanked by Brits even more.
Oh, and it’s Gdańsk, not Danzig. I pray the author never visits Poland, because if he called it that he might stay forever.
When was Poland invaded by Britain?
I’m not sure on how much siege mentality applies in either case.
“Better safe than sorry” and the whole vibe of preemptively banning because everyone out there is here to get 'em.
Let’s say that I (cis, hetero) said something that can be understood as bigotry. It would be only sensible if Blahaj banned me on the spot - better safe than sorry, right?
Are you familiar with the siege syndrome? Then there’s this American notion of inequality ‘cism’, that only members of certain groups can be critical of them. That’s bullshit. Your gender or sexual orientation doesn’t invalidate your opinion (nor validate it).
What extremist? Where? Is it the (upvoted) China romanticisation?
I’m on ml, it’s pretty normal here.
Wait, so from this article Biden’s guy said that “we want you to do X” while Trump’s guy said “we want the same” and then everyone agreed?
I might be blind, where are those articles saying Biden admin solved it? They are saying opposite?
Can you share a link to an example? First time I’m hearing about it.
What is your point? I’m honestly asking, not being sarcastic.
As we’ve seen with teachers, nurses and interior design, once an institution is majority female, the public perception of its value plummets.
Hm. I wonder if it’s related to how women perceive men in those trades too. A friend of my is in Uni and she thinks all male nurse students are gay. And feminine. And definitely not good providers.
The heck you’re talking about? There’s a ton of free resources to learn the basics.
https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/csharp official Microsoft learning resources.
https://dotnettutorials.net/course/csharp-dot-net-tutorials/ for C# basics and .NET framework (which is backend standard).
For game engines you need specific tutorials in those engines.
You need to chill dude. Contrary to your nick you’re not behaving cool.
Take a walk, shower, find a therapist to discuss your thoughts; and if you have one, and they don’t call you out on your behaviour here, change them.
Instead of being calm you read like as if you were panicking. Why? Someone calls you out on a shitty meme and you literally got feverish.
I mean… It depends. But in my work (buy side finance) - duh.