It’s how you get those product placements in a film set in the future.
There is no record of this bio
It’s how you get those product placements in a film set in the future.
People rarely change their minds about things they believe when directly confronted. Its seen as an attack and makes them defensive and more certain in their ideas.
They have to learn for themselves that they are wrong to change their mind. You can steer them in that direction. Appear genuinely interested and ask leading questions. Subtly guide them into having to confront the contradictions in their own beliefs.
Welcome! I did the same recently. Blahaj is much nicer than world. I hope you enjoy your time here!
Tennis isn’t played one game at a time. It is played one match at a time. Any point is one point in a game.
If you want to make that shirt I’ll buy one. I don’t think I’m quoting someone by accident. Have at it if you’re inspired.
Winning a point is a very low bar. You don’t have to beat her. You don’t have to win a set or a game. You just have to score a single point. All it takes is a single mistake from your opponent to win a point. With enough time even the best will make a mistake, and tennis matches are long.
The shortest possible game is 4 points. A set without a tie breaker has 6 games. A women’s tournament match is best 2 sets of 3. So at minimum a match of tennis has 48 points. You only need one.
If you’re passible enough to return the ball some of the time, and do a valid serve you will probably win a point at some point. She may be one of the best tennis players of all time, but she’s not infallible. Its really unlikely she wouldn’t mess up at least once.
This proposed law is very narrowly tailored to the handling of records about court proceedings. It is unjust the way you are treated by this country, but this bill is not that, at least not in the ways you describe.
If ice or any other law enforcement agency wanted the documents at issue, they could only get them through a court order. This would be unchanged.
If you need these records to defend yourself in a court, both you and your lawyer are entitled to that information with or without this bill.
This bill will not change your state ID. The process for changing names and gender markers on state IDs is unchanged.
If you want to change the name on your ID, you have to submit the court order yourself. You also have the right to not update your IDs. None of this would be changed by this bill.
CA allows for birth certificate gender marker changes by self declaration. For $52 and a notary you can get a copy of a new birth certificate with a different gender marker.
Name changes require you to attach a court ordered name change document.
Different parts of the government handle different things. Courts don’t do birth certificates.
I don’t see how this law would do that.
Existing law requires the court to limit access to these records to specified individuals, including, among others, the minor, the minor’s parents, and their attorneys.
the records currently are very restricted. this law would make it even more so. This would allow minors to change their name without their parents being entitled to that information.
If you choose to share that information about yourself this law won’t effect you. This law will stop some people close to you from having access to your records through the court.
Unless I’m missing something this bill won’t invalidate passports, but it will protect trans people from transphobic relatives or others.
Only you and your lawyer can access those if this goes into effect.
You’re either going to have to get one custom ordered or make it yourself. You are not alone. There are other trans christians out there. I’ve met a few.
People like you do exist. If there are no trans crosses listed for sale, its because there’s not enough demand to cover the cost of a production run. Even you admitted you wouldn’t want one.
Don’t let capitalism get its tendrils so far into your mind that you think that you have to be a customer to exist.
Be aware the model 3 had a facelift in the 2024 model year, the model Y is getting it this year. The S and X are rumored to be next.
Though public shame is powerful, be aware that those driving an older styled tesla likely bought before musk went so publicly off the deep end. Cars are expensive and cannot be changed without significant expense. So have some compassion.
But anyone driving a particularly angy model 3 with dagger shaped taillights, a model Y with front and rear light bars, or a cybertruck should be mocked and shamed without remorse.
Who elon really is was very public when those owners chose to buy their car.
Dysphoria doesn’t feel like dysphoria if you’ve expierenced it your entire life. Instead it just feels normal.
If you’re thinking about transitioning, don’t be deterred if you don’t feel actively distressed by your current apparent gender. Dysphoria can be crippling for some, and subtle for others.
It wasn’t until I started HRT that I learned what it really felt like to feel fine. Only then did I realize how not fine I was before.
two obvious mistakes in the headline
She was included because she was stealth and no one knew. It only came out after the fact.
Most trans people were invisible at the time. You either did all the surgeries, fully passed, and cut off everyone who knew you pre-transition, or you didn’t get get to live a normal life.
She wasn’t there because the filmmakers wanted to be progressive.
I expect professional writers to like professionals. That’s not pedantry.
It’s Porterville. There is a city called California City in California, and they have a population of 14k, and are well known for not being the city in the article.
Fake headlines are everywhere.
This but unironically. Conservatives going insane over trans people is what made me decide to learn about trans people, and I learned a thing or two about myself in the process.
What’s stopping you, and what can you do about it?
Free and open source software are made collaboratively by communities on the internet, its difficult to determine any nationality for many projects. Trying to run a fully EU linux system is impossible. But as most free software itself is not a revenue generating business, so largely use what you want.
But if your goal is a more European system I do have a few reccomendations.
OpenSuse: Its a free to use version of an enterprise distro, similar in business model to red hat/fedora but it is based in Germany.
Linux Mint: This is generally my pick for a beginner friendly distro. The project lead and founder is French.
KDE: Is my choice of desktop environment. It is German. The lead developer is German, and the nonprofit that funds the development is headquartered in Berlin. There are many pieces of software under the KDE umbrella including the Calligra office suite, and the Krita image editor.
I also recommend Blender, the 3D animation package. It is primarily Dutch, as the founder and nonprofit foundation behind it are based in the Amsterdam.
But really use what you want and works best for you. Nearly all free software projects, including all I’ve listed are some sort of international amalgam.
The best way to make free software more European is to be European and contribute. Volunteer, write code, write documentation, help users in community, report bugs, donate, fork, maintain or release something you made freely.