It didn’t have icons at all. Although I’m trying Jerboa app for Lemmy and it’s displaying people’s avatar, which I’m not used to (used boost for reddit). So I’m kind of in the opposite boat as you.
Honestly, good for them. There has been a huge smear campaign against the franchise recently (and rightfully so), but that’s none of the players’ fault. I’m sure this feels good for the clubhouse.
Seriously. The Embiid MVP looks like a joke now.
My phone reset and I lost all photos, so this is the closest I have right now. Will update soon with up-close snoots
Dat is how kitty is now
So when I subscribe through the browser, when I use Jerboa for Lemmy the 49ers community doesn’t show up on there under my subscriptions. Is it browser only?
Yeah but some of the specific ones (like for 49ers) took me to a browser version of the website and I got stuck trying to login/create an account. Didn’t see the option to subscribe. Feels like a mess!
Honestly the subreddits for the 4 major sports as well as MMA are like the only reason I use reddit. If we can just find a solid alternative for those I’d be happy. The discord server, at least for r/NBA is pretty toxic.
Like Fritos and hot carpet!
Damn, gonna miss him. Although I’d rather them trade him and keep Moody, GP2 and Big Ragu if that’s what it takes.