ugly bag of mostly water

don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • I used to care a lot more about what I wore - I had a grunge punk thing going on. Lots of plaid flannel with torn up jeans, a wallet chain, Doc Martens, and a punk band patch battle jacket. Now I mostly live in plain black leggings and a dark gray tee, because I’m mostly at home and it’s just easier to work out, do housework, etc in that kind of clothing. I get my leggings from Rep Fitness and my t-shirts from Amazon.

    I do still wear jeans and plaid flannels a lot when I go out. Jeans are hard because my body is a weird shape due to weightlifting. I’ve always had a big butt and thighs, but now they’re swole so jeans never fit right. If they fit in the butt and thighs, they’re enormous in the waist, with a big gap in the back, and constantly sliding down. Plus I’m 5’0" with a short torso so usually low-rise fit the best, but those are hard to find (I think high-rise is more popular right now?). Currently I get jeans from American Eagle but they’re not a great fit. I’d love to find jeans that fit my body and don’t make me look dumpy!

    I took a look at the sites you linked, and they look awesome - they definitely have things that are right up my alley! Have you checked out BlackMilk? You might like some of their stuff!

  • Thank you! ☺️ Just a hobby. This one was a labor of love because it took a bunch of steps. But I really love nail stamping and couldn’t stop staring at them for like a week haha

    I struggle with nails vs guitar playing. I practice my guitar on and off, and whenever I’m in a good groove with practicing I keep the nails on my fretting hand really short. But then there’s less room for pretty designs which is a bummer. How do you keep your nails long and not have trouble fretting?

    Also just curious, tell me what kind of music you play!