The feral urge to consume large amounts of calories in a corner
The feral urge to consume large amounts of calories in a corner
Ice ICE, baby
It’s basically bean dip, what’s not to love?
Oh no, what does Lisp Machine think about vaccines?
Oh sorry, I forgot the determinative. 💦3st
What corporation is out there buying new equipment every 6 months?
It’s usually fine, but I download new TV shows automatically and I got a .exe instead of the new Frasier. I don’t think I’ll be downloading an actual .exe from TPB in the future lol
Dehydration was never an option
I could pet 3 isopods
IIRC’s storage filled up with pictures, which broke the front end, and backups didn’t work
By a stroke of luck, one of the people to see these new screen savers was a member of the marketing team who tried them out the night before an already-scheduled visit in New York City with a major computer industry magazine. He loved them and wrote back, “You can call off the vote. We’re adding all of them to the product!”
Just think, if not for this email we might not have had that episode of LGR where “PENISES” suddenly appeared on the screen behind Clint as he was talking about it.
Apparently “cotton” and “Mexican” are slurs
Who’s the one with the bow?
Well that was certainly a thing
Hissen to be puneished
He calls 'em like he sees 'em.
I watched it and it scares me only because of how many people didn’t notice or care that Biden was the only one saying anything of substance up there.
Why aren’t we funding this?